I thought I would just clear some things up here......
#1. We are not doing two weekers for maximum gains we are doing them to be conservative and to minimize potential negative health risks. They also seem to allow for better natural training in the 2-4 weeks "off" periods between cycles.
If you want to be "on" steroids all year round then 2 on 4 off is best.
#2. After about 2.5 to 3 weeks the pituitary shuts down and not just the hypothalamus so recovery of natural test is slower and thus you loose a higher percentage of gains.
#3. Even a couple days of the strong androgens will totally shut down your natural test production bro's. Even one shot of the weak androgen nandrolone will shut you down. As soon as the HPTA sences a high level of androgen in the blood a signal is sent to the testes to STOP PRODUCTION....this doesn't take very long.
Small doses of primo often times do not shut you down even after weeks but then again primo is not for a two weeker because it is an a very slow acting ester(unless you use orals) and is too weak.
#4. All the orals, including d-bol, will start to work almost immediately and you will notice a difference in a few days. The injectables trenbolone acetate and test prop will start to work very quickly too, especially if loading doses are done on day one to get blood hormone levels up in a hurry.
#5. HCG is not needed since two weeks will not result in much if any testes shrinkage....thus another reason why naturaL test comes back so quickly.
If you do 2 on 2 off for several cycles then you will experience some shrinkage so if you want to do that then take 300-500iu's of HCG per day either IM or Sub Q in the belly fat while "on".
#6 Clomid is still needed since the hypothalamus has been inhibited during the two weeks and the clomid will block estrogen at the hypothalamus and help recovery. I take it for the full 4 weeks off simple because it seems to help keep natural test high and there is also a cardiovascular benefit form its use( acts as an estrogen at the liver and makes ateries supple)
Two weeks would probably be enough and you could probably get away with not using it at all although you would probably loose a little size.
#7. You MUST only use fast acting roids and test as the longer acting eters will not allow a true two week cycle. Front loading of injectables is also a must unless you are using test suspension.
#8. Even plain old d-bol 30-50 mg per day in 5 divided doses or anadrol 50 three times per day will give great results for many in but 14 days of use and this limited time "on" 17aa roids will have no permanent liver consequences.
If you are at your natural maximum weight ie(190 fairly lean pounds at 5'9 or 10") then you would be wise to stack another strong androgen or two.
#9. You may wish to use Tylers detox pills and or r-ala while using 17aa roids even for two weeks.
#10. Two weekers are NOT for the highly competitive .
Best of luck and health to you all.