There seems to be some confusion over hormone choices so I thought I would help to clear that up.
The best hormones for muscle growth are those that are #1. Highly androgenic AND anabolic and #2. aromatize.
I can hear some of you saying that the aromatization thing is only about water gain but that is not so. Yes water gain will come BUT the estrogen also helps with strength and mass gain. This has been my finding after 19 years of use and is also the finding reported by most other vets. It seesm that estrogen is important to some degree in IGF-1 release.
Another thing to note is that if you get too carried away with estrogen inhibitors like arimidex then gains will suffer.
It is also a good idea to stack a class 1 with a class 2 hormone. Class one roids work primarily at the AR (tren, nandrolone and test) Class 2 hormones work via the AR too but more so via non AR mediated mechanisms (winstrol, d-bol , anandrol)
The only hormone that works very well at both is testosterone and that is why it is KING IMHO.
Nandrolone and tren are best at the AR though.
Best hormones for mass are #1. Testosterone, #2. D-bol or anadrol. The only non aromatizing roid that is decent for mass is tren.
You can combine winny and nandrolne for good mass and d-bol and nandrolone for good mass and there are other combo's with the weaker androgens that are pretty good but as far as individual hormones are concerned the above list rules.
So for the two weeker its best to stick with the strongest hormones available.