I am going to throw out an alternative cycle approach that was prescribed by a doctor in the early 80s to me and some of my college athlete buddies.I can't remember the dosages exactly, they were low, but we all had gains using this approach.
You are on something 2/3 of the time 20 days at a run - but very low doses and just one shot of something at the beginning with a slow sustained release, and orals ED for 20 days.
The doc always gave us one shot of deca to kick off cycle, 2 tabs dbol for 10 days, 1 tab dbol (5mg as I recall) for 10 days, 10 days off, repeat cycle. Year-round, or at least pre and in-season, on these very low dosages. He would rotate the orals, winnie or ox instead of d. Always an rx for 30 tabs.
If I were to do this today, at my age, I would want to avoid the deca and go with test enanthate or something like that. I don't know what dose though, but maybe two shots to get a more gradual release. What I don't really know is what I would do about an anti-e. Probably nolva would be good for the 10 days off and recovery but preferably it would be nice to have the T low enough to avoid sides during the cycle, while still high enough to get some benefit, avoiding the need for the anti-e during cycle?
What do ya think?