New member
*exclamer* I recommend these tips be used with descretion as most I have just thought up and have absolutely no scientific evidence, or study backing them.
~Eat High Volume/Low cal Foods~
1. If you should feel the need to binge drink so much water that your too full to eat.
2. Switch from cola to diet cola, then eventually to water.
3. Freeze Drinks such as Diet coke and low fat milk, then eat them with a spoon while they defrost, its surprising filling!
4. Eat Ice! It can make you feel like your eating!
5. Try drinking more hot beverages, especially in fall and in winter. Hot liquids expand the intestinal tract and make you feel full. A warm drink can help take the edge off your hunger, preventing overindulging later.
6. Eat a healthy low-cal or homemade soup.
7. Snack on "air-filled" foods, like popcorn, instead of denser pretzels or chips to eat less.
8. Add more veggies, fruits or whole grains to meals as opposed to sugary, refined foods.
9. Eat so-called negative calorie foods. The negative calorie principal may not be true or proven but most do have a low glycemic index, low calories and lots of nutrients.
10. Suck on lollypops (no sugar ones of course), if you must, to help ease off sugar cravings.
11. Try drinking one glass of water at night before bed. It shut down hunger pangs for almost 100% of dieters in a U-washington study.
12. Volume and weight affect how satisfying a meal is and how much of it you eat. Choose high fibre foods.
13. Eat celery. Almost no calories and you can eat as much of it as you please.
14. Psyillium husk powder can fill you up. Plus no calories.
15. Eat uncooked vegetables. They take longer to eat and will fill you up. Plus no lost nutrients/digestive enzymes from cooking.
~Mental Techniques~
1. Deny hunger. Keep telling yourself your not hungry. Think of this - How good would it be to tell yourself your hungry!
2. Eat on a blue or black plate. Dark colors usually make you feel fuller, faster.
3. Eating your meals on a smaller plate can create the illusion that you're eating more.
4. When you get a craving, count to 100 really slowly, and it might pass.
5. If your tempted to eat, pull out your scrapbook, remind yourself how bad you want to be ripped.
6. Decide what your goals really are. Write down how much weight you want to lose and by which date.
7. Studies prove that not eating a perticular craved food at all can reduce cravings. Try going cold turky one item at a time.
8. Rememer, your cravings can be caused by low blood sugar levels and are likely to go away as soon as blood sugar levels normalize.
9. Eat in the same place everyday. Preferrably the dinner table. Thus you will associate 'only' the dinner table with eating and not the couch, bed, car etc.
10. Imagine the fat in the food being distributed around your body before you eat it,.. still hungry?
11. Food associations. Find something that makes you feel vaguely ill or unpleasant, get a picture of it, and put the picture beside your food. Switch pictures frequently and make sure to look at the pictures while you eat. After a while you may began to associate food itself with unpleasantness, which will make you less inclined to eat.
12. Give yourself permission before eating. Stop and think about it, consider if you really want to eat whatever-it-is. If your answer is yes, then say (or think) something like "I'm allowed to eat this" or "I have permission to eat this".
13. Plan your meals in advance, for the day or week or whatever. Decide what you are allowed to eat each day. If you know that you will be eating, it may help you avoid eating other things.
14. Avoid having food around you if you think you'll be upset. Feeling sad can increase hunger and food intake. But eating cannot decrease sadness. Remember this.
15. Pick apart your food cravings. If you eat food in separate parts instead of all mixed into one, it feels like you've eaten more and you don't get extra stuff you don't really need. For example, if you're really craving pizza, think about what it contains. Bread, tomato sauce, cheese. Drink a can of V8 or eat a tomato. If you still want pizza, have a rice cake or a few crackers or some other starch. If you still want pizza, have a piece of cheese. Or if you're craving peanut butter, have a handful of peanuts and avoid the added sugar and oil contained in most commercial peanut butter. If that doesn't work, eat a spoonful of honey for the sweetness overload. Same net effect, fewer total calories, no wasted empty added crap.
16. Stop labeling the food as 'bad,' 'illegal,' or 'forbidden.' Its not the food itself that is the problem.
17. Eat when your not hungry, if you can. You'll eat less.
18. Always eat at the same time if possible. That way your body only associates certain times with eating.
19. When you are alone and want to binge pretend you have company.
20. Think of it as a way of living, not a diet.
21. Spread food around plate to make it look like more is there.
22. Take it slowely (read below artical called BaBy StePs) Don't try all these tips at once but a few per week. You'll be much more likely to succeed if you do not overwhelm yourself.
23. Refuse to take your hands out of your pockets. How can you eat without your hands?
24. Realize the body will try to trick you into eating if it 'thinks' its hungry, thats its natural instinct. You will find yourself thinking different thoughts such as ".. maybe I should have that extra piece of pie, I think of been over-training lately and need the energy." or ".. if I 'feel' hungry then I must 'be' hungry.. I should eat." Just because the body 'feels' its hungry doesn't mean it is. You could have had a big meal an hour ago and feel like your starving. Keep this in mind for the next time you get a craving and ask yourself "am I my 'rational' self right now?" or also "didn't I make a deal with myself ealier that I would only eat certain foods at certain times?"
25. The average human can live 30 days on just water. Do you need food 'right now?'
26. Read these rules whenever your hungry.
27. When you look at food and are tempted, shake your head 'no' and tighten your lips. You could also put your hand out infront of you to cover the view of food and mentally say 'no.'
28. The food can't put itself in your mouth, only you can put it there. Your in control,.. show it!
29. Associate hunger with success.
30. Train yourself for discipline. Sit by your food at your proper eating times and see if you can hold off eating it for a minute or two. This can help create discipline.
31. Stay away from TV if you know it will tempt you to eat.
32. Track your trigger. What happened before you ate. Are you emotional about something? Keep a journal of pre-thoughts and food eaten.
33. Maybe certain emotional states trigger different foods. Look for a pattern. If you find a pattern, then keep these foods away from you if you think you will have the emotions that trigger that food.
34. Buy foods that take a long time to cook and try cooking just before eating. By the time you cook the food your cravings may have subsided.
35. Try holding off eating untill the 'exact' time you are allowed. Do not fall in the habit of eating earlier and earlier. Stay focused.
36. Forget about past failures. You are reborn. Today is a new day. You will try your best and if you should mess up you can always resume your normal eating habits next meal.
37. You have to want to be fit more then you want to satisfy your taste buds.
~Eat Slowly~
1. It takes as long as 20 minutes for your body to tell you its full.
2. Focus especially on the first three bites. After that, the excitement of eating will begin to slowly subside, and you'll probably be content with a smaller portion.
3. Chew every bite at least thirty-forty times or untill liquified. Your food will taste better and you will be much more satisfied. Good for digestion too. Don't swallow until the entire flavor is gone from each bite.
4. Eat with smaller utensils or try eating with chopsticks. This forces you to eat slow.
5. If your right handed use your left hand to eat. You'll take longer.
6. Don't look at your food when eating. You will eat more slow if you can't see how good the food looks.
7. Buy and eat boned chicken, boned salmon or other meat. It will take longer to eat with all the bones in there.
~Eating Tactics~
1. Start eating more plain foods as opposed to sugary/salty. Drink milk instead of chocolate milk, natural peanut butter instead of peanut butter with sugar, plain chicken instead of seasoned chicken.. etc.You will not eat as much as your taste buds won't be going wild.
2. Stay away from the refrigerator. Don't give yourself a chance to cheat.
3. Brush your teeth. A fresh mouth helps keep you from wanting to eat. When you get the urge to eat, rinse your mouth with strong mouthwash. Food won't taste that great. Brush your teeth after every meal. Brush and floss after your evening meal; many people agree this helps avoid late-night cravings for snacks.
4. Use a teeth whitener. The ones that take 20-30min or more. You won't be able to eat with that in your mouth plus you'll have beautiful teeth and won't want to ruin them either.
5. Give away leftover junk food to friends. Make them fat.
6. Prepare food in bulk and freeze. This means your in the kitchen alot less and you will not have as much of a chance to eat. Also, you'll be committed to eat only that size portion.
7. Make a unit system where you allow yourself to eat a certain premeasured amount of fruit, vegetables, high carb low G.I. foods, high carb high G.I. foods, protein, added fat/salt etc each meal. You can now eat anything just as long as its within this amount. Use a measuring cup for carbs and a scale for protein.
8. Tell friends your on a diet and get them to stick-you-to-it.
9. If you must keep leftover junk food, freeze it and eat it later. This way at least you won't be eating too much in one day.
10. Stay away from alcohol, you'll eat more when you decide to eat.
11. If you like something in you stomach before you go to bed but have the tendancy to binge at night then eat protein like tuna, chicken, sardines that is hard to eat quickly and will fill you up. Spares muscle too.
12. Hold onto a glass of water while eating. This way you'll be more tempted to drink it then to eat.
13. If you feel yourself starting to lose control while you're eating, stop. Set your food down, take a long drink of water or some other cool liquid, and take a deep breath before resuming eating. This can help interrupt a slide into binge-mode. Remember to remind yourself that you are still going to finish your food and that you aren't stopping, just pausing for a moment.
14. Don't cook alot of food and plan to eat it for days if you think you'll just binge on the whole thing, or have done so repeatedly in the past. Cook smaller portions just enough for one meal if you have to.
15. Use a smaller baking pan/frying pan/pot etc when cooking. This forces smaller portions.
16. If you buy candy bars freeze them. This way you'll have to wait untill they thaw to eat them. If you do eat them frozen it'll take you longer.
~Shopping Advice~
1. Grocery shop after you've eaten or drank a half litre or more of water.
2. Don't for any reason walk down the snack isle when shopping. Don't walk down any isle that you think you will be tempted to buy junk food.
3. If going grocery shopping make a list first and promise yourself you will only buy things on that list. If you should want something else and see it at the store tell yourself you will get it later. You are committed to the list for now.
4. Tell your friend your on a diet and grocery shop with them. If there a good friend they won't let you buy junk food.
~Eating out~
1. If going to a restuarant with friends arrive with a few glasses of water in you.
2. Have certain resturant foods already picked out that are 'safe' to eat and plan to eat them.
3. Bring just enough money to buy these certain foods.
4. If there are no safe foods, as a last option you can order a milk, at least the protein in it is good.
5. Share your meal with a friend if you ordered too much. They'll be glad to help out!
6. Take half home. So you have two meals with the calories of one.
7. Order two appetizers instead of one. They'll fill you up more and leave less room for high calorie foods.
8. Ask about low-calorie food choices.
9. Tell the waiter right away to not include any condiments/spreads with your meal. This will cut down on the butter, salad dressing, sugar and salt.
10. If you think you'll order too much, as soon as the waiter comes tell them your on a diet before you can give yourself the chance to order. Now if you order alot of food you'll feel like a fool breaking your diet.
~Hunger Decreasers~
1. Have a peppermint, peppermints decrease hunger.
2. Caffeine can reduce hunger.
3. Go take a nap. If you don't get at least 6 hours then your appetite is increased by 15%!
4. A warm tea can make you feel warm and full inside, and is loaded with anti-oxidents. Try peppermint tea.
5. Take a shower. Hot steamy water can suppress the appitite. You'll also be able to see how far you've progressed when you look in the mirror.
6. Keep blood sugar and insulin levels normal/low. See 'Keep Insulin Levels Low.'
~General Advice~
1. Leave your wallet or bring just enough money to buy what you need if you think you'll be tempted to get fast food when you go out. Put the saved money in a piggy bank and buy a good quality scale.
2. Pay attention to when and what you are eating. Ask yourself: "Do I really want to eat this?"
3. Don't take laxatives or diuretics (water pills). All you are losing is water weight. By the time food comes
out, it has already passed through your digestive system, where all the calories are absorbed.
4. Get the proper vitamins, minerals, potassium, salt, magnesium etc. Without them your body will 'feel' hungry and guide you to food.
5. Don't mistake thrist for hunger. A study stated 38% of americans do. Drink up.
6. Keep your distence from food wherever you are. You'll be less likely to eat.
7. Get professional help if you are stressed. Stress can be a major contributer to binge eating.
1. Phone a friend, listen to music, read a book.
2. Go excercise. Keep active. Studies show active people eat less.
3. Get out of the house and get some fresh air.
4. Do research or homework. Pick something your interested in. The more interested you are the less like likely you are to think about eating.
~Tips for ladys~
1. Paint nails. You'll have to wait for them to dry.
2. Wear lipstick. It will smudge if you eat.
3. Dye your hair.
4. Shave your body/legs. This lets you see your body and gives you time to reconsider binging.
~Keep Insulin Levels Low~
1. Eat low glycemic index(G.I.) foods.
2. Add a little fat to each meal if none is present to lower the G.I.
3. Vinager slows digestion. (don't use too often, can cause ulcers)
4. Keep higher G.I. foods to a mininum and only use when combined with low G.I. foods.
5. The longer the food is cooked the higher the G.I. Try to cook pasta 'al dente' if possible.
6. Natural foods with fibre foods generally have a lower G.I. Refined fibre products usually have a high G.I., don't be fooled.
7. Most so called negetave calorie foods have a low G.I.
8. Put cinninim in oatmeal.
9. Take GTF(glucose tolerance factor) chromium.
10. Fruit/vegetable smoothes have a high G.I. as a result of being broken down. Drink apple juice or orange juice if you must drink juice and keep quantity very small.
11. Anti-inflammatory drugs can cause insulin spikes resulting in increased hunger sensation.
12. Anti-nutrient foods such as sugar, flour products, refined goods can leave your body with less vitamins and minerals. This will create stress and inturn raise insulin levels.
13. Eat smaller meals 4 to 6 times per day as opposed to 2 or 3 large ones. This will keep insulin levels from spiking higher and is easier for the body to digest.
~Tips For Purgers~
1. Eat at a friends house. You won't be able to raid the fridge or purge.
2. Consume foods that don't come up easily or taste horrible if they do.
3. Don't drink water. This way you can't get the food up.
4. Don't punish yourself. This makes the situation worse.
5. Wash the bathroom really well. You'll not want to mess it up.
~Last Resort~
1. Spin in circles like you did when you were a kid. It makes you to sick to eat.
2. Contaminate food: oversalt, cologn, spices,
3. Eat something discusting like a chewing a multi-vitamin, garlic clove or hot peper. This way you'll have to rinse your mouth out with so much water you won't be able to eat. The left over taste will also make all food less desirable.
4. Actually run away from it untill your in better control.
~ Negetive Calorie Foods (no evidence they exist)~
cabbage (green)
Chile peppers
garlic lettuce
lemon mango
pineapple raspberries
includes most low fat/carb protein sources
~ B a B y S t e P s ~
So many people wanna take the world on in one go. Talk about a challage!
The trick is to start.. very, very.. slowly. One step at a time,. and make it a small step, a baby 1,.. see,.. very.. easy. Then take another one. Just as small. And then another one,. small. easy. Pretty soon you'll turn around and see you've travelled so much distance! But it was so easy! You've now went the distence of a jump but with the easyness and simplicity of a few lil'steps. a little wee BaBy StePs.
Next you'll find yourself taking more & more BaBy StePs, getting closer and closer to your goals. Then meeting and exceeding them and making new ones, but small ones, rewarding yourself each time one is reached. And looking back and feeling so proud.
..then you turn around after so much BaBy StePPing. and see. your StePs are getting bigger and bigger,.. much bigger!!! But they 'feel' just as easy as the BaBy ones. They 'are' just as easy as the BaBy ones to take. So how is this possible? Easy! Your getting more and more confident and you didn't even know it. And your BaBy StePs are getting not only bigger but also faster and your getting used to them. (after all they were always 'easy,' right!) Your standard is actually increasing exponentially.. It just may not 'feel' like it. Good! All the easier for you!
..and the great thing is that you always know you can attain the goal you've created, as your always creating a goal thats attainable, and then expanding on that. Then you look back again and see how far you've gotten. It almost seems as if it would be unattainble if it where to be tried in just one leap
So whats the tie-in with food? Just start off with little small goals and work your way up. Slowly. Easy,.. have fun with it. Decrease the sugar in your coffee by 1/2 tsp per/wk.. small.. easy, be creative.
Now the only thing left to do is think of all the ways you'll be rewarding yourself for doing such a good job,.. but I'll leave that up to you.
~Eat High Volume/Low cal Foods~
1. If you should feel the need to binge drink so much water that your too full to eat.
2. Switch from cola to diet cola, then eventually to water.
3. Freeze Drinks such as Diet coke and low fat milk, then eat them with a spoon while they defrost, its surprising filling!
4. Eat Ice! It can make you feel like your eating!
5. Try drinking more hot beverages, especially in fall and in winter. Hot liquids expand the intestinal tract and make you feel full. A warm drink can help take the edge off your hunger, preventing overindulging later.
6. Eat a healthy low-cal or homemade soup.
7. Snack on "air-filled" foods, like popcorn, instead of denser pretzels or chips to eat less.
8. Add more veggies, fruits or whole grains to meals as opposed to sugary, refined foods.
9. Eat so-called negative calorie foods. The negative calorie principal may not be true or proven but most do have a low glycemic index, low calories and lots of nutrients.
10. Suck on lollypops (no sugar ones of course), if you must, to help ease off sugar cravings.
11. Try drinking one glass of water at night before bed. It shut down hunger pangs for almost 100% of dieters in a U-washington study.
12. Volume and weight affect how satisfying a meal is and how much of it you eat. Choose high fibre foods.
13. Eat celery. Almost no calories and you can eat as much of it as you please.
14. Psyillium husk powder can fill you up. Plus no calories.
15. Eat uncooked vegetables. They take longer to eat and will fill you up. Plus no lost nutrients/digestive enzymes from cooking.
~Mental Techniques~
1. Deny hunger. Keep telling yourself your not hungry. Think of this - How good would it be to tell yourself your hungry!
2. Eat on a blue or black plate. Dark colors usually make you feel fuller, faster.
3. Eating your meals on a smaller plate can create the illusion that you're eating more.
4. When you get a craving, count to 100 really slowly, and it might pass.
5. If your tempted to eat, pull out your scrapbook, remind yourself how bad you want to be ripped.
6. Decide what your goals really are. Write down how much weight you want to lose and by which date.
7. Studies prove that not eating a perticular craved food at all can reduce cravings. Try going cold turky one item at a time.
8. Rememer, your cravings can be caused by low blood sugar levels and are likely to go away as soon as blood sugar levels normalize.
9. Eat in the same place everyday. Preferrably the dinner table. Thus you will associate 'only' the dinner table with eating and not the couch, bed, car etc.
10. Imagine the fat in the food being distributed around your body before you eat it,.. still hungry?
11. Food associations. Find something that makes you feel vaguely ill or unpleasant, get a picture of it, and put the picture beside your food. Switch pictures frequently and make sure to look at the pictures while you eat. After a while you may began to associate food itself with unpleasantness, which will make you less inclined to eat.
12. Give yourself permission before eating. Stop and think about it, consider if you really want to eat whatever-it-is. If your answer is yes, then say (or think) something like "I'm allowed to eat this" or "I have permission to eat this".
13. Plan your meals in advance, for the day or week or whatever. Decide what you are allowed to eat each day. If you know that you will be eating, it may help you avoid eating other things.
14. Avoid having food around you if you think you'll be upset. Feeling sad can increase hunger and food intake. But eating cannot decrease sadness. Remember this.
15. Pick apart your food cravings. If you eat food in separate parts instead of all mixed into one, it feels like you've eaten more and you don't get extra stuff you don't really need. For example, if you're really craving pizza, think about what it contains. Bread, tomato sauce, cheese. Drink a can of V8 or eat a tomato. If you still want pizza, have a rice cake or a few crackers or some other starch. If you still want pizza, have a piece of cheese. Or if you're craving peanut butter, have a handful of peanuts and avoid the added sugar and oil contained in most commercial peanut butter. If that doesn't work, eat a spoonful of honey for the sweetness overload. Same net effect, fewer total calories, no wasted empty added crap.
16. Stop labeling the food as 'bad,' 'illegal,' or 'forbidden.' Its not the food itself that is the problem.
17. Eat when your not hungry, if you can. You'll eat less.
18. Always eat at the same time if possible. That way your body only associates certain times with eating.
19. When you are alone and want to binge pretend you have company.
20. Think of it as a way of living, not a diet.
21. Spread food around plate to make it look like more is there.
22. Take it slowely (read below artical called BaBy StePs) Don't try all these tips at once but a few per week. You'll be much more likely to succeed if you do not overwhelm yourself.
23. Refuse to take your hands out of your pockets. How can you eat without your hands?
24. Realize the body will try to trick you into eating if it 'thinks' its hungry, thats its natural instinct. You will find yourself thinking different thoughts such as ".. maybe I should have that extra piece of pie, I think of been over-training lately and need the energy." or ".. if I 'feel' hungry then I must 'be' hungry.. I should eat." Just because the body 'feels' its hungry doesn't mean it is. You could have had a big meal an hour ago and feel like your starving. Keep this in mind for the next time you get a craving and ask yourself "am I my 'rational' self right now?" or also "didn't I make a deal with myself ealier that I would only eat certain foods at certain times?"
25. The average human can live 30 days on just water. Do you need food 'right now?'
26. Read these rules whenever your hungry.
27. When you look at food and are tempted, shake your head 'no' and tighten your lips. You could also put your hand out infront of you to cover the view of food and mentally say 'no.'
28. The food can't put itself in your mouth, only you can put it there. Your in control,.. show it!
29. Associate hunger with success.
30. Train yourself for discipline. Sit by your food at your proper eating times and see if you can hold off eating it for a minute or two. This can help create discipline.
31. Stay away from TV if you know it will tempt you to eat.
32. Track your trigger. What happened before you ate. Are you emotional about something? Keep a journal of pre-thoughts and food eaten.
33. Maybe certain emotional states trigger different foods. Look for a pattern. If you find a pattern, then keep these foods away from you if you think you will have the emotions that trigger that food.
34. Buy foods that take a long time to cook and try cooking just before eating. By the time you cook the food your cravings may have subsided.
35. Try holding off eating untill the 'exact' time you are allowed. Do not fall in the habit of eating earlier and earlier. Stay focused.
36. Forget about past failures. You are reborn. Today is a new day. You will try your best and if you should mess up you can always resume your normal eating habits next meal.
37. You have to want to be fit more then you want to satisfy your taste buds.
~Eat Slowly~
1. It takes as long as 20 minutes for your body to tell you its full.
2. Focus especially on the first three bites. After that, the excitement of eating will begin to slowly subside, and you'll probably be content with a smaller portion.
3. Chew every bite at least thirty-forty times or untill liquified. Your food will taste better and you will be much more satisfied. Good for digestion too. Don't swallow until the entire flavor is gone from each bite.
4. Eat with smaller utensils or try eating with chopsticks. This forces you to eat slow.
5. If your right handed use your left hand to eat. You'll take longer.
6. Don't look at your food when eating. You will eat more slow if you can't see how good the food looks.
7. Buy and eat boned chicken, boned salmon or other meat. It will take longer to eat with all the bones in there.
~Eating Tactics~
1. Start eating more plain foods as opposed to sugary/salty. Drink milk instead of chocolate milk, natural peanut butter instead of peanut butter with sugar, plain chicken instead of seasoned chicken.. etc.You will not eat as much as your taste buds won't be going wild.
2. Stay away from the refrigerator. Don't give yourself a chance to cheat.
3. Brush your teeth. A fresh mouth helps keep you from wanting to eat. When you get the urge to eat, rinse your mouth with strong mouthwash. Food won't taste that great. Brush your teeth after every meal. Brush and floss after your evening meal; many people agree this helps avoid late-night cravings for snacks.
4. Use a teeth whitener. The ones that take 20-30min or more. You won't be able to eat with that in your mouth plus you'll have beautiful teeth and won't want to ruin them either.
5. Give away leftover junk food to friends. Make them fat.
6. Prepare food in bulk and freeze. This means your in the kitchen alot less and you will not have as much of a chance to eat. Also, you'll be committed to eat only that size portion.
7. Make a unit system where you allow yourself to eat a certain premeasured amount of fruit, vegetables, high carb low G.I. foods, high carb high G.I. foods, protein, added fat/salt etc each meal. You can now eat anything just as long as its within this amount. Use a measuring cup for carbs and a scale for protein.
8. Tell friends your on a diet and get them to stick-you-to-it.
9. If you must keep leftover junk food, freeze it and eat it later. This way at least you won't be eating too much in one day.
10. Stay away from alcohol, you'll eat more when you decide to eat.
11. If you like something in you stomach before you go to bed but have the tendancy to binge at night then eat protein like tuna, chicken, sardines that is hard to eat quickly and will fill you up. Spares muscle too.
12. Hold onto a glass of water while eating. This way you'll be more tempted to drink it then to eat.
13. If you feel yourself starting to lose control while you're eating, stop. Set your food down, take a long drink of water or some other cool liquid, and take a deep breath before resuming eating. This can help interrupt a slide into binge-mode. Remember to remind yourself that you are still going to finish your food and that you aren't stopping, just pausing for a moment.
14. Don't cook alot of food and plan to eat it for days if you think you'll just binge on the whole thing, or have done so repeatedly in the past. Cook smaller portions just enough for one meal if you have to.
15. Use a smaller baking pan/frying pan/pot etc when cooking. This forces smaller portions.
16. If you buy candy bars freeze them. This way you'll have to wait untill they thaw to eat them. If you do eat them frozen it'll take you longer.
~Shopping Advice~
1. Grocery shop after you've eaten or drank a half litre or more of water.
2. Don't for any reason walk down the snack isle when shopping. Don't walk down any isle that you think you will be tempted to buy junk food.
3. If going grocery shopping make a list first and promise yourself you will only buy things on that list. If you should want something else and see it at the store tell yourself you will get it later. You are committed to the list for now.
4. Tell your friend your on a diet and grocery shop with them. If there a good friend they won't let you buy junk food.
~Eating out~
1. If going to a restuarant with friends arrive with a few glasses of water in you.
2. Have certain resturant foods already picked out that are 'safe' to eat and plan to eat them.
3. Bring just enough money to buy these certain foods.
4. If there are no safe foods, as a last option you can order a milk, at least the protein in it is good.
5. Share your meal with a friend if you ordered too much. They'll be glad to help out!
6. Take half home. So you have two meals with the calories of one.
7. Order two appetizers instead of one. They'll fill you up more and leave less room for high calorie foods.
8. Ask about low-calorie food choices.
9. Tell the waiter right away to not include any condiments/spreads with your meal. This will cut down on the butter, salad dressing, sugar and salt.
10. If you think you'll order too much, as soon as the waiter comes tell them your on a diet before you can give yourself the chance to order. Now if you order alot of food you'll feel like a fool breaking your diet.
~Hunger Decreasers~
1. Have a peppermint, peppermints decrease hunger.
2. Caffeine can reduce hunger.
3. Go take a nap. If you don't get at least 6 hours then your appetite is increased by 15%!
4. A warm tea can make you feel warm and full inside, and is loaded with anti-oxidents. Try peppermint tea.
5. Take a shower. Hot steamy water can suppress the appitite. You'll also be able to see how far you've progressed when you look in the mirror.
6. Keep blood sugar and insulin levels normal/low. See 'Keep Insulin Levels Low.'
~General Advice~
1. Leave your wallet or bring just enough money to buy what you need if you think you'll be tempted to get fast food when you go out. Put the saved money in a piggy bank and buy a good quality scale.
2. Pay attention to when and what you are eating. Ask yourself: "Do I really want to eat this?"
3. Don't take laxatives or diuretics (water pills). All you are losing is water weight. By the time food comes
out, it has already passed through your digestive system, where all the calories are absorbed.
4. Get the proper vitamins, minerals, potassium, salt, magnesium etc. Without them your body will 'feel' hungry and guide you to food.
5. Don't mistake thrist for hunger. A study stated 38% of americans do. Drink up.
6. Keep your distence from food wherever you are. You'll be less likely to eat.
7. Get professional help if you are stressed. Stress can be a major contributer to binge eating.
1. Phone a friend, listen to music, read a book.
2. Go excercise. Keep active. Studies show active people eat less.
3. Get out of the house and get some fresh air.
4. Do research or homework. Pick something your interested in. The more interested you are the less like likely you are to think about eating.
~Tips for ladys~
1. Paint nails. You'll have to wait for them to dry.
2. Wear lipstick. It will smudge if you eat.
3. Dye your hair.
4. Shave your body/legs. This lets you see your body and gives you time to reconsider binging.
~Keep Insulin Levels Low~
1. Eat low glycemic index(G.I.) foods.
2. Add a little fat to each meal if none is present to lower the G.I.
3. Vinager slows digestion. (don't use too often, can cause ulcers)
4. Keep higher G.I. foods to a mininum and only use when combined with low G.I. foods.
5. The longer the food is cooked the higher the G.I. Try to cook pasta 'al dente' if possible.
6. Natural foods with fibre foods generally have a lower G.I. Refined fibre products usually have a high G.I., don't be fooled.
7. Most so called negetave calorie foods have a low G.I.
8. Put cinninim in oatmeal.
9. Take GTF(glucose tolerance factor) chromium.
10. Fruit/vegetable smoothes have a high G.I. as a result of being broken down. Drink apple juice or orange juice if you must drink juice and keep quantity very small.
11. Anti-inflammatory drugs can cause insulin spikes resulting in increased hunger sensation.
12. Anti-nutrient foods such as sugar, flour products, refined goods can leave your body with less vitamins and minerals. This will create stress and inturn raise insulin levels.
13. Eat smaller meals 4 to 6 times per day as opposed to 2 or 3 large ones. This will keep insulin levels from spiking higher and is easier for the body to digest.
~Tips For Purgers~
1. Eat at a friends house. You won't be able to raid the fridge or purge.
2. Consume foods that don't come up easily or taste horrible if they do.
3. Don't drink water. This way you can't get the food up.
4. Don't punish yourself. This makes the situation worse.
5. Wash the bathroom really well. You'll not want to mess it up.
~Last Resort~
1. Spin in circles like you did when you were a kid. It makes you to sick to eat.
2. Contaminate food: oversalt, cologn, spices,
3. Eat something discusting like a chewing a multi-vitamin, garlic clove or hot peper. This way you'll have to rinse your mouth out with so much water you won't be able to eat. The left over taste will also make all food less desirable.
4. Actually run away from it untill your in better control.
~ Negetive Calorie Foods (no evidence they exist)~
cabbage (green)
Chile peppers
garlic lettuce
lemon mango
pineapple raspberries
includes most low fat/carb protein sources
~ B a B y S t e P s ~
So many people wanna take the world on in one go. Talk about a challage!
The trick is to start.. very, very.. slowly. One step at a time,. and make it a small step, a baby 1,.. see,.. very.. easy. Then take another one. Just as small. And then another one,. small. easy. Pretty soon you'll turn around and see you've travelled so much distance! But it was so easy! You've now went the distence of a jump but with the easyness and simplicity of a few lil'steps. a little wee BaBy StePs.
Next you'll find yourself taking more & more BaBy StePs, getting closer and closer to your goals. Then meeting and exceeding them and making new ones, but small ones, rewarding yourself each time one is reached. And looking back and feeling so proud.
..then you turn around after so much BaBy StePPing. and see. your StePs are getting bigger and bigger,.. much bigger!!! But they 'feel' just as easy as the BaBy ones. They 'are' just as easy as the BaBy ones to take. So how is this possible? Easy! Your getting more and more confident and you didn't even know it. And your BaBy StePs are getting not only bigger but also faster and your getting used to them. (after all they were always 'easy,' right!) Your standard is actually increasing exponentially.. It just may not 'feel' like it. Good! All the easier for you!
..and the great thing is that you always know you can attain the goal you've created, as your always creating a goal thats attainable, and then expanding on that. Then you look back again and see how far you've gotten. It almost seems as if it would be unattainble if it where to be tried in just one leap
So whats the tie-in with food? Just start off with little small goals and work your way up. Slowly. Easy,.. have fun with it. Decrease the sugar in your coffee by 1/2 tsp per/wk.. small.. easy, be creative.
Now the only thing left to do is think of all the ways you'll be rewarding yourself for doing such a good job,.. but I'll leave that up to you.