The Volkron Pussy Dilator™ measures 6.5 inches in length.
I've never done the circumference, cuz I forgot the equation on how to compute circumference. (Get Bent, Mr. Pychocki my 7th grade math teacher who hated me!!)
Now I bet all of you are picturing me with a ruler held up to my hard on. Pretty absurd visual to actually admit to, yet we all wanna know, "what is normal/average?"
I can tell u this, like i've said before, I've had my fair share of guys and girls, and it would seem that MEN are super preoccupied with dick size. In fact, most gay guys think that if they say 8 inches, they are somehow average, REGARDLESS of their actual size. The perception in the gay community is so skewed, I can tell u, that at 6.5 inches, my dick has been much larger than most gay guys who claim to have 8 or better, so there you go.
Summer Bunny, would you be disappointed once I unveiled the Volkron Pussy Dilator™? Is 6.5 not big enuf?
I can actually say that while my penis is by no means gigantic, I know exactly how to use my lips and fingertips on other parts of the body while my hips nail the VPdilator™ into place. The VP Dilator™ has been lauded as being 'not too large, not too small...just perfect."
Sex for me involves the entire body, not just my VPDilator™.