That definitely time to consider increasing the amount of good fats in your diet.
That will help with the elbow issues and help with tendons and ligaments.
That definitely time to consider increasing the amount of good fats in your diet.
That will help with the elbow issues and help with tendons and ligament
1 set singles strongman press (was gonna do three singles but tendon gave a warning.)
Same for high pulls
1 set alternate dumbbell high pulls single. (was gonna do three singles but tendon gave a warning.)
Next I hit delts in giant set fashion(same weight I don't set it down between exercises)
First four sets no rest
Rear delt raises-15
Side delt raises-5
D.B. presses-15
Next 5 sets no rest just added another set of side delts at the end.
Rear delt raises-10
Side delt raises-3
D.B. Presses-9
Side delt raises-2
Finished up with alternating kettlebell snatch high pulls no rest for 50 reps