It is impressive but the one girls form goes to shit on the cleans even with good form cleans are hard on your joints shit form and your asking for an injury. I am glad a re-watched that and saw it was 25's per sides not 45's I feel like less of a weak ass now. LOL
I LOVE these girls! I've tried this workout before, it's really really tough. You are sweating everywhere, you are breathing hard-it's awesome! My pull-ups are really weak though, I could only do one at a time.
I've done this one a few times.
I couldn't do 45's like this guy. I started with 20lbs, after a few sets my form started to deteriorate so I dropped the weight and started using the bar alone. I try to do these at least once a week. It's funny how everyone in the gym starts starring. It used to make me feel very uncomfortable but I sort of got used to it, now I don't really give a ***. I have my ipod on and just zone out...