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All I can say is holy shit, this supplement is insane. I took a break from all pre-workout stims for a week and decided take AMP 02 for the first time. I have been off gear for close to a year and a half. I am willing to try almost any legal supplement at this point. I took the AMP 02 1.5 hours after my pre-workout meal. I took 8 caps, within the first ten minutes I started to feel it. I got tingles all over my body. I knew I was in for some shit, right then and there. I started to drive to the gym and felt a calm rush coming. I noticed the nootropic effects increasing as I drove to the gym. It felt like I was in a video game and I started driving much faster than normal, shifting gears so precise like I was racing. I also noticed that the music that was playing was so much more clear and pleasing than normal. I have tired many nootropics and focus supplements and this one by far takes the cake.
Within 45 minutes I walked into the gym. I felt incredible, very much like a mental and physical boost of energy. Reminded me when I first took ECA for the first time. Focused and on point I went right to the free weights, no need to chatter with the fellow gym rats. I went to war on the weights super-setting bis and tris. By the time I got into my working sets my arms were engorged with blood and flooded with veins. My pumps were insane and my arms looked cartoonish. I rolled up my sleeves to check them out, I haven’t done this age, but I haven’t seen my arms look so pumped without juice. I decided to add side laterals to my superset to blow up my delts. By the end of my workout my arms looked like they were going to explode. My endurance was through the roof, I hardly rested between sets. I felt like a cyborg going from one area of the gym to another, on a mission to destroy my muscle fibers. It was a light-weight workout due to an injury so I can’t say anything about the strength effects. I hit up 30 mins of cardio on the elliptical trainer. My arms were still freaky pumped , I was amazed after all the cardio my glycogen levels should have been depleted.
I still felt amazing as I left the gym. Giddy and talkative I decided to make some phone calls on the way home. I was still going strong, without a crash. I felt calm well-being stimulation 6 hours after my dose. The synergy of the ingredients feel like a low dose recreational stimulant with out the crash. This is by far my best experience with a pre-workout supplement to this day. Can’t wait till my next dose and my next training session!
Within 45 minutes I walked into the gym. I felt incredible, very much like a mental and physical boost of energy. Reminded me when I first took ECA for the first time. Focused and on point I went right to the free weights, no need to chatter with the fellow gym rats. I went to war on the weights super-setting bis and tris. By the time I got into my working sets my arms were engorged with blood and flooded with veins. My pumps were insane and my arms looked cartoonish. I rolled up my sleeves to check them out, I haven’t done this age, but I haven’t seen my arms look so pumped without juice. I decided to add side laterals to my superset to blow up my delts. By the end of my workout my arms looked like they were going to explode. My endurance was through the roof, I hardly rested between sets. I felt like a cyborg going from one area of the gym to another, on a mission to destroy my muscle fibers. It was a light-weight workout due to an injury so I can’t say anything about the strength effects. I hit up 30 mins of cardio on the elliptical trainer. My arms were still freaky pumped , I was amazed after all the cardio my glycogen levels should have been depleted.
I still felt amazing as I left the gym. Giddy and talkative I decided to make some phone calls on the way home. I was still going strong, without a crash. I felt calm well-being stimulation 6 hours after my dose. The synergy of the ingredients feel like a low dose recreational stimulant with out the crash. This is by far my best experience with a pre-workout supplement to this day. Can’t wait till my next dose and my next training session!