wow, it went nothing like i expected. No one opened the gym until 30 minutes after i got there so i was pressed for time, as i only had about an hour to lift
so i go like this
bar x 10
95 x 6
135 x 3
185 x3
205 x 2 (with belt)
suit on
225 x 0, it threw me forward at the bottom, kinda hurt my knee
suit off(pressed for time, didnt want to struggle with my suit the entire time, i'll save that for a day where i have more time)
225 x 2 (belt only)
245 x 1
255 x 1 PR by like 20 lbs
Knee wraps
285 x0, i was getting it up and i would lean forward and then have to bail. I blame it on my form, and my shoes, since they arent flat soled.
not the best day, so im kinda pissed