not possible at all for someone to get the SAME program as you who is 65 lbs. heavier, not at all. Hell, how in the hell would the diet work for the both of you if that were the case? Not sure where you are getting your info., but it you wish to discuss your own program w/me, I would appreciate it if you would do so as clients should out of respect for me, and that is on e-mail where your consultation is held. Posting stuff like this here only encourages hatred, and Lord knows I deal with enough of that shit already. Hell, you may be trying to start "shit" here just as the others do, and without you contacting me personally with such concerns, I have to take it as just that. (It's happened about 5 times before on other boards. Stuff just like this) "Hey, why did u not give me my program, and I paid you"........stuff like that as well, so you can only imagine what I think of your letter here. This guy, that guy, my friend, some other guy, etc......b.s.
You and "your friend" (not the one 65 lbs heavier, that is ASSANINE) could INDEED have received similar macronutrient amounts if you both fell into my same program weight class, that would most certainly be possible, no secret there! There is a lot of room for variance based upon the other information I gather from you when we begin. However, activity, cardio, limitations, changes to the schedule based upon how YOU as an individual respond w/metabolism issues, insulin sensitivity, etc., are all factors taken into account, and will THEN change the patterns accordingly. No one ever ends up w/the same amounts THEY THEMSELF received, so you can best bet that if you stay WITH the consultation, you will see me ADJUST EVERYTHING based upon how you respond in those two-three weeks. Remember that "magical window" that I always refer too? Well, there is a reason for that. In reality, in serving hundreds and hundreds of clients, many are sure to have almost identical "patterns", but the other activitities and consultation are what then make it personalized, and never the same for anyone at all, ever, past the 2-3 week mark if YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE AND CONTINUE THE CHECK INS WITH ME AS ADVISED. You are not going to have the same reaction as others will, same metabolisms, insulin response, etc., so it's the consultation and adjustments by me that make the entire "service" invaluable. We do have to start somewhere with amounts, yes, but where you end up is always different. Always, and that is what I have been so well recognized to be able to provide success to everyone, by knowing what to change, when, why, how, from many years of experience. So, you pay for a SERVICE in myself and programs/information that, after a month, will have given you what you need to succeed and attain the look you desire. This is not merely a "diet" with numbers sent to you with a "Bon Voyage" notice. Quite the opposite is true, as I make it a REQUIREMENT of the program to include the consultation to assure success. You can rest assured since I require that, and have my own message board all about what I do, that I am very confident in my abilities. As a bonus to me knowing how to adjust each case if need be, I pinpointed CT's (T-Mag) values right off the bat, as I had a "gut" feeling for his stats/goals/bio he gave me. I'd seen certain instances before that led me to my conclusions, and original structure of his patterns. At the end of 2 weeks, when I normally make the adjustments (if any) that are going to then boost your results even more, he had already reached his goal. This meant that I got lucky in not having to change his amounts or activity at all, but that does not happen in many cases. However, I did like the pinpoint accurracy because it was in a major article.
So, now you see some insight as to the processes, or guts of what I work with, and the reasoning behind it.
As well, u say this is "not a flame", but then openly state you and two other people, one who is 65 lbs heavier, all got the same thing. Not only is that entirely false, you openly stating that in a public forum may not seem like a flame to you, but it does attempt to discredit what I do. I certainly hope you understand the information I provided to you above so as to avoid you "suggesting" certain things as you have. It's not rocket science or some secret to be able to comprehend that many diets will be similar in nature if two people are similar in nature. The phrase "duh...duh", comes to mind, lol.
Also, your "buddy" who is now doing a different "diet" with "more carbs". Heck, that's great...........more power to him and continued success (we'll never even know this for sure, or that there even IS such a person), but that certainly does NOT take away from what I provide, and from what I will continue to provide. Any problems, if any, "your friend" was having with my program, I would have expected to be explained to me through e-mail so adjustments could have been made. Whether or not "he" or "she" did that, I've no idea. Upon signing up, you know what your responsibilities are to get the most of out my program, as do I. If you fall short on that, that is your decision, not mine. You mentioned you had a tragedy that stopped your progress, and I hope your tragedy was easy to overcome, no doubt. However, you must also realize that you yourself didn't get a chance to have your diet adjusted and things be changed, as you had to stop before reaching this point. I am pleased however to hear that your were progressing, as since that came BEFORE any adjustments I'd have made, it means you were already moving in the right direction, and very few things needed to be changed.
I encourage you to pick up where u left off, and continue, you'd be amazed what you could do in 4 short weeks w/me! If you wish to contact me for additional help if you need it, then let me know. As long as I can see that you have good intentions in your questions, and not otherwise, I'd be more than willing to help you reach your goals.
So, other than what first appeared to me like yet another attempt discredit me in a public forum (otherwise you could have asked this question, IF you were serious, in e-mail, rather than "suggesting" all that you have above), I see nothing else to explain here at all. No worries, you'll soon get to read an explanation of all my dietary/nutritional counseling and my myriad of professional services in yet another magazine article, this time, all about me. Pics, references, the works!
This should again cut down on the haters (no, not IMPLYING you specifically, but those that do have evil intentions) and give credit where it's due. That's about it! If you wish to discuss this as an adult (surprise me!), you can reach me at e-mail. If not, and you don't understand what I have written here and wish to write back w/something less than acceptable in regards to intellectual continuity, then just consider any response from me null and void.
You also may want to check with Mr. X about people of similar structure/stature/stats having similar dietary programs, no matter what the dietary approach is. Again, that is to be expected in any dietary management program. Mr. X fully supports what I do and knows of the ways in which I help a myriad of people. Many respect Mr. X, as they should, and he also knows of the many people who attempt to discredit people such as himself and I.