I have a question for you SC.
I have read the T-Mag article and it makes great sense to me, and is very similar to what I usually follow except for the training part.
When I follow your rountine I will do a heavy chest and back workout on Friday consisting of: 2 heavy sets of Flies and 2 heavy Rowing movements focusing on the eccentric contraction). This 4 set workout will be similar to the Heavy Duty routine followed by Yates, and has several advantages in regards to appearance for the following day.
1) This workout will cause microtrauma leading to intracellular edema over the next 2-3 days...making the muscles appear noticeably bigger/fuller.
2) This short workout will not deplete any muscle glycogen stores since it's only 4 sets (excluding warmup), and should not interfer with the carb-loading phase. This workout should not cause excessive sweating, but an extra cup or 2 of water may be needed.
I think most people will agree that they are "fuller" in the days following heavy workouts (especially after adding some heavy eccentric reps).
Therefore I think SCs diet advice is perfect, but I have found that a short heavy workout in the day prior to showing off my physique makes me appear noticeably thicker, fuller, and more vascular.
Do you guys agree with this???