from the looks of his calorie intake he was taking near 3000 calories a day and got down to 5 percent bodyfat!!!!!
that is amazing. this man definitly has a high metabolism. no way in hell i could cut even on 2000 calories and running 5 miles a day
this goes to show you that everyones metabolism is different and that no one diet will work for everyone.
but what really impresses me is that in the article the man says that he maintains his 5 percent bodyfat. now thats awesome. i dont know too many white dudes that can maintain that bodyfat percentage with that much muscle and drugfree like this man.
It's because of the way I have him eating with the Eating Patterns he received from me. You are correct, no 1 diet will work for everyone, that is why having someone like me who knows what to change based on those variables you mentioned, is invaluable.
Senior, he has a message forum (the guy the article was about, Christian) and my information is posted in that location. People are beginning to notice.
i hope you get alot of business from this article.. I checked your site and you should put this guys before and after pics up...
The forum looks good! your avatar is pretty good but silverbacks is hysterical!!!
If you could PM me with prices i would appreciate it.. I am looking for a summer program to try and help me get a little leaner and not put on the beach house flub that tends to accumulate...
It's because of the way I have him eating with the Eating Patterns he received from me. You are correct, no 1 diet will work for everyone, that is why having someone like me who knows what to change based on those variables you mentioned, is invaluable.
tell me how is is possible that you are able to gauge this mans metabolism and you say you can?
some other person can be at the same hieght and weight of this man and same bodyfat percentage but may have a metabolism twice as fast or twice as slow
and could you please present us some scientific studies that show eating different eating patterns make a great deal of difference like you say it can????can u cite some references
id be interested in seeing where you got your information