hi guys a few questions here but before i ask them i just wanna say i have done my own research and am not looking to get spoon fed there's just a lot of contradictions out there with different answers for the same questions so answers or links are appreciated.
current stats
6ft, 88kgs, 25yrs
12 wk cycle
Dbol wk 1-6 50mgs ED
Deca wk 1-12 400mgs EW
Sust wk 1-12 500mgs EW
Adex wk 1-12
PCT Nolva wk 14-15
I have heard a lot of ppl say that nolva and deca don't go but i haven't seen anyone post or link a study proving it BUT on another site i have read a study that proves it wrong plus wouldn't the deca be out of your system by the time you start pct which is why you start pct 2-3 wks after your last pin so that the esters have left your system. whats your opinion?
Help with the deca dose, pinning it once or twice a week and sust pinned once or twice a week as i have read needto's article and am a lil confused about it. the title of the article is "z line sust 250" can't link it as I'm new to the site.
current stats
6ft, 88kgs, 25yrs
12 wk cycle
Dbol wk 1-6 50mgs ED
Deca wk 1-12 400mgs EW
Sust wk 1-12 500mgs EW
Adex wk 1-12
PCT Nolva wk 14-15
I have heard a lot of ppl say that nolva and deca don't go but i haven't seen anyone post or link a study proving it BUT on another site i have read a study that proves it wrong plus wouldn't the deca be out of your system by the time you start pct which is why you start pct 2-3 wks after your last pin so that the esters have left your system. whats your opinion?
Help with the deca dose, pinning it once or twice a week and sust pinned once or twice a week as i have read needto's article and am a lil confused about it. the title of the article is "z line sust 250" can't link it as I'm new to the site.