Daily: N2 Guard (7 caps) Gear (12 caps...spread throughout day inbetween meals) Forged Joint (2 caps) Need2Slin (4 caps...2 caps 30 minutes prior to carb containing meals) Fish Oil (4-6 gel caps) Vitamin E (2-3 gel caps) Vitamin C (1500mg ED) PP St. Johns Wart (4 caps...2 morn/nite)
Bedtime: PP GABA (1-2 grams bedtime) PP Sleep Aid (1 cap bedtime as needed) Unleashed (3 caps...bedtime)
BB Squats: (4x15...135/225/315/405...this felt great! Form was solid!) Warmed up with 4 sets of 20 Squatties (bodyweight squats) Seated Squats (feet together): (4x15...225/315/405/495) Leg Press: (4x20...555/645/735/915) Extensions/Seated Leg Curl SUPERSET: (4x15...130/140/150/160)
Today was another great day, mood was awesome, energy was spot on! Hit legs good today, high reps with decent weight. The wife killed it again too...she squated 155 lbs for 12, Seated Squat 225, Leg Pressed 330 lbs for 20 reps, then the rest of what I did...and then she wanted to do abs!!! We had breakfast at my buddies restaurant across the street from my gym, then came home and took down all Christmas decor outside, and tripped around the house doing things. The wife and I had a date night tonight and went out to dinner to the Cheesecake Factory, then went and seen our friends band play and danced!!! Yes, this big guy can bust a move lol!!! Good cardio, and all the women kept dragging me up on the floor. My wife was wearing this short form fitted hot pink & black dress, same color high heels, and she was the life of the concert...band called her up to sing back-up vocals on a couple of songs, she is the ultimate let me tell you!!! We had a great time and yes I was a bad boy tonight..."Forgive me father for I have sinned"...I had 2 nice stout beers, and after dinner I had a Mango Key Lime Cheesecake!!! It was so good, not as good as my wifes Key Lime Pie, but it was good! Beers made me feel like shit...sometimes just have to remind myself that alcohol and me do not like eachother, and that is the truth!
No PWO on OFF days but still take this: Premium Powders LCLT (2 grams) PP Agamatine (1 tablet PWO...1 later in day) PP Taurine (10 grams...5 morn/nite) Anabeta (4 caps...2 pre/post workout)
Daily: N2 Guard (7 caps) Gear (12 caps...spread throughout day inbetween meals) Xtreme Joint (2 caps) Need2Slin (4 caps...2 caps 30 minutes prior to carb containing meals) Fish Oil (4-6 gel caps) Flaxseed Oil (4 caps) Vitamin E (2-3 gel caps) Vitamin C (1500mg ED) PP St. Johns Wart (4 caps...2 morn/nite)
Bedtime: PP GABA (1-2 grams bedtime) PP Sleep Aid (1 cap bedtime as needed) Unleashed (3 caps...bedtime)
8:00 AM: 6 eggs, 1 Ezekiel muffin dry
11:00 PM: 2 slices of pizza...daughters bowling birthday party!!!
2:00 PM: 6 oz Albacore Tuna, 2 tbsp Wasabi mayo, 2 tbsp Chili Corn Salsa, 2 Blue Corn/Flaxseed tortilla wraps, 6 oz. Greek Yogurt
5:00 PM: 6 oz Albacore Tuna, 2 tbsp Wasabi mayo, 2 tbsp Chili Corn Salsa, 2 Blue Corn/Flaxseed tortilla wraps, 6 oz. Greek Yogurt
Today was a great day also, we had a bowling party for my little girls birthdat that was last weekend...all the kids she hangs out with are all so cool, really good kinds with manners, and behave!!! We at least around me they do lol. My SF 49ers are going to the Superbowl!!! It was a good day for being OFF out of the gym. We also had a local event...Mavericks surf competition, the waves were big and so were the crowds! Packed!!! I am so ready for bed, have to be at the gym at 7 am...need sleep!!!
Daily: N2 Guard (7 caps) Gear (12 caps...spread throughout day inbetween meals) Xtreme Joint (5 caps) Need2Slin (4 caps...2 caps 30 minutes prior to carb containing meals) Fish Oil (4-6 gel caps) Flaxseed Oil (4 caps) Vitamin E (2-3 gel caps) Vitamin C (1500mg ED) PP St. Johns Wart (4 caps...2 morn/nite)
Bedtime: PP GABA (1-2 grams bedtime) PP Sleep Aid (1 cap bedtime as needed) Unleashed (3 caps...bedtime)
Max Rack Incline BB Press: (4x12-15...135/185/225/275) Flat DB Flyes: (4x12-15...60/70/80/65) Hammer Strength Seated Chest Press: (4x12...140/180/230/280...last one drop set to failure) Hammer Strength Dip Machine: (4x12...180/270/295/335)
Seated Calf: (4x20...90/135/180/180) Standing One Leg Raises: (4x20...bodyweight, did these after every set of Seated Calf) Claf Sled: (4x12...225/315/405/405)
Cardio Treadmill 3.6 @ 4%...30 minutes
10:00 AM: Muscle Replenisher shake, 1 cup Almond Milk
I didn't eat well today , or I should say enough due to running around most of the day.
Today was a good day, early moring workout with wife and my other training partner, finally got my truck back from dealership, a brother of mine came by to visit with his wife and newborn son/nephew, and made some of my homemade protein bars for snacks for the wife and I...
Look yummy or what? The one on the left is Rocky Road and the right is Apple Cranberry Peanut Butter Crisp, just mix them up, form into pan and pop in the freezer...done!!! Wish these were set now, I would grab one lol. Heading off to bed, a bit tired and work tomorrow...later!!!
Quote for the day...
"There is no man more free than the one who doesn't give a damn what society thinks of him!"
Today was a good day, back to work. The wife and I trained this morning, did a nice arm workout doing all supersets, minimal rest inbetween sets (which is why some of the weights are lower, those are exercises I want form over weight). Like I have said before, I will let her pick the first set of exercises and she sets the pace, and does abs inbetween lol. Her strength is going up nicely. We saw this one gal at our gym doing 165 lb deadlifts from the floor...my wife was fixed on her every rep, you could see the spark in her eye...she is going to do this!!! Anyway back to me...nothing more to report lol!!!
Quote for the day...
"God...grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference!"
Today was a decent day...got to the gym ready to train shoulders/traps only to find out my training partner Dom trained shoulders yesterday, and went off our schedule. I went ahead and trained back and hamstrings, and had a good workout. Around 9 am I was doing an inspection on a newly constructed storm drain pipe, and felt light headed and dizzy, almost felt like I was going to fall into the trench. I drove back to my Corporation Yard and grabbed one of my protein bars and ate it real quick while I heated up the rest of my food...it was low blood sugar or something, but felt much better after food! I ate well today, but feel lethargic...need a day off the gym tomorrow and some sleep now lol!!!
Quote for the day...
"Insanity...doing the same thing over and over and expecting different result!!!"
Today was a good day...took day off the gym due to taking my mom to surgery this morning. All is good and she is home safe. Keeping it short, so short I will say goodnight now lol. Tired and hitting the pillow to get up at 4 am to hit the gym with my honey...shoulders/abs/traps/cardio.
1:00 PM: 8 oz. Turkey Burger patties, 1/4 cup Quinoa, 4 oz. Yams, 1 cup broccoli
4:00 PM: 6 oz. chicken fajita meat, 2 cups broccoli
7:00 PM: 1 can Albacore tuna, 1 tbsp. Wasabi Mayo, 2 tbsp. Corn Chili Salsa, 2 Blue Corn/Flax tortillas
9:00 PM: 1 homemade protein bar
Today was a great day, had a great workout in the morning with my girl, went to work and the day went by fast due to being busy, and am working on-call tonight and this weekend for some nice overtime. Wanted to touch base with some changes in the supplements above...the SARMs S-4 started to give me the vision sides again, so I am dropping dosing to 5 on/2 off. This happened to me last time and had to do the same thing. I also dropped the GW-501516 for now due to wanting the wife to utilize it for herself, and I will look into using it closer to my competition. She is doing great, and am just trying to get her going as she gets me going...the best training partner a guy could have!
Daily: N2 Guard (7 caps) Gear (12 caps...spread throughout day inbetween meals) Xtreme Joint (5 caps) Need2Slin (4 caps...2 caps 30 minutes prior to carb containing meals) Fish Oil (4-6 gel caps) Flaxseed Oil (4 caps) Vitamin E (2-3 gel caps) Vitamin C (1500mg ED) PP St. Johns Wart (4 caps...2 morn/nite)
Bedtime: PP GABA (1-2 grams bedtime) PP Sleep Aid (1 cap bedtime as needed) Unleashed (3 caps...bedtime)
BB Squats (6x20,15...45 bar warmup/135/225/315/405/455) Hack Squats (4x15...225/315/405/495) DB Sumo Squats (4x15...100/110/120/120) Step-ups (4x10 ea. leg...80/90/100/100) SUPERSET Lying Leg Curls (4x15...60/75/90/105)
10:00 AM: 6 egg whites scrambled w/4 oz. Ground Turkey, grilled veggies, 2 dry sweet potato pancakes, cup of fruit (apples, melon, bananas)...this was Post Workout meal.
12:00 PM: 3 scoops Muscle Replenisher, water...was on the way out the door quickly so had to grab something quick, don't ask me!
3:00 PM: 1 can Albacore tuna, 1 tbsp. Wasabi mayo, 2 tbsp Corn Chili Salsa, 2 Blue Corn/Flax tortillas, 4 oz. turkey burger patty, 1 cup broccoli
6:00 PM: 6 oz. chicken fajita meat, 2 cups broccoli
will eat again before I go to bed...kind of had a disappointing day.
Today was not a great day, but had another great workout in the morning with my girl, we hit legs hard and the workout concentrated on squats. Skipped leg press this week
...love pushing that weight!!! We are trying to trade in our 2006 Ford F150 for a new 2013 Ford Fusion (these cars are really nice!)...but as we all know the dealerships can really piss you off!!! I actually had the owner of our local Ford dealership make a comment right in front of me as I was walking out of the dealership to think about it and feed my girls who were starving...and so was I! The owner made a comment "its all about making money and selling cars"...guess the customer doesn't mean shit!!! Anyway, just solidifies that the country we live in is driven by greed, power, and money (I know...I know...) and people don't matter anymore. Guess I am old school, 42, but damn society is not what we want to raise our kids in, just makes me cringe.