I have a problem with the inside of my hip, like the adductor tie in. I always have done things to strengthen my adductors like side seld dragging, and explosive side steps with weight. So I don't think mine is from a muscle imbalance problem.
I finally realized recently that mine was hurting b/c I am too flexable. I am so comfortable in a squat position and below parallel that I was doing my box squats way too low and not realizing it. This was putting all the stress on my hip to try to start the move. I was sitting to like a 12-14 inch box. I spent some time and found exactly where I was at parallel and set the box there and since my hip joint has felt a lot better...
I finally realized recently that mine was hurting b/c I am too flexable. I am so comfortable in a squat position and below parallel that I was doing my box squats way too low and not realizing it. This was putting all the stress on my hip to try to start the move. I was sitting to like a 12-14 inch box. I spent some time and found exactly where I was at parallel and set the box there and since my hip joint has felt a lot better...