Holio is completely right about what corporations have done, are doing and will do in the future as it pertains to our privacy. What they do is almost worse except they don't, at least we thought, share that data with the govt who can put us in the land of pillow biters. What corporations have planned for the future is mind numbing and completely unsustainable. Siri is just the fucking beginning. Go watch the TED talks and see for yourself. They want this all encompassing internet which is a hair's breadth away from being sentient, they will require everyone to upload into this near sentient being everything about their lives so it knows you and can track you through the world. And what is the window into this all encompassing interconnected net? Your smartphones...what they have planned for those things is ludicrous. And who's going to watch over that system? You will not be able to fart in a closet without your smartphone chastising you for it the next time you pick it up. Over at TED they act like this is the grand future the human race has been waiting 10's of thousands of years for.