Seeing how my last 3 emails are my service appointment reminder, my service appointment feedback survey and an email from my sister sending me links to a bunch of shit she wants me to find her online.... I think I'm fine with giving up some of my riveting private life if it means they can catch some assholes who are up to no good.
For every meaningless thousands of facebook notification emails, bank statements, password reset codes, daily jokes and craigslist ad replies there's that ONE concerning email that could be important.
I understand what you're saying but what would you say to a guy you were in a relationship that wanted that kind of control and access over your private life? What if someone came to you and told you you he was spying on you and your friends and didn't tell you or lied about the extent he was digging into your stuff? You found he was tracking everything, this person shows you proof. What if two of your friends found out that he was spying on them and now they no longer feel comfortable around you, or comfortable at all contacting you, or anyone for that manner. That doesn't make you feel weird? What if he said, "if you have nothing to hide, then why do you care?" Or, "it is for your own good, that one email could be someone dangerous (that dangerous someone being someone that is mad at him, looking for revenge, not you personally though he may try to get to him through you) so I need to read all of your emails, texts, track your online whereabouts, and listen in on all of your conversations with your friends" You would care, an inner alarm would go off, you'd begin to feel like this wasn't what you signed up for, you'd begin to feel controlled, like you've lost some of your freedom, wouldn't you? You would care even though you had done nothing wrong, right? Or would, seeing how your last three emails were boring by nature would you be okay with it? Or would you get the hell away from someone like that, get all your friends together for support and kick him the hell out of town? What if you couldn't even talk to your friends for support because he can see and hear everything? What if you had kids and he gave them money all the time but insisted on having control over their education because he knew better than you what they should be taught? What if he began to stalk and keep up on them them too. How trapped would you feel? What if you objected but he downplayed your concerns as simpleton, or silly, or even worse, he made you out to be some kinda extreme fringe lunatic crazy person?
Those laws we have are our boundaries. Someone said it's a time of war so we don't need boundaries? What if we are ALWAYS at war? We've been at war almost half of my lifetime now.
You're a good person at heart so you assume that these people are doing good but what if they aren't good? What if the relationship we are in, is an abusive one? What are the signs of an abusive relationship? Control over finances? Always checking up on you; stalking? Not respecting your boundaries? Thinking they are superior to others? Double standards for behavior? You have to abide by rules they don't have to follow in the relationship? Do they admit when they're wrong or just make excuses for their abusive behavior? What's next? Threats of violence? Actual violence? These type of situations never get better on an individual level, I don't see any reason to think it will get better here either.
Some of our nations founders understood human nature so well. I wonder if it's time to ask if we are being abused.