New member
My grandmother is the only one that really would have the $$ to do something like that and she won't even loan some cash to the grandkids if they need a laptop for school. I was talking to a friend at the gym today and he said I may not even need an attorney as long as everything is accurate, and it is. My only worry is that I could get a mormon pro-mom judge that will fuck me no matter what.
Hopefully, the fact that you have her most of the time anyway and the newest developments, would be obvious to even the most pro mom judge. You're doing it to protect your daughter, rather then just be an ass to her mother...and that will come through in a court hearing.
You sound like you have a really good head on your shoulders and I think your daughter is lucky to have you. Keep doing the research into the system and you'll find a way. Is there something like a legal aide service? a father's group? even a call to protective services to get direction on the next step. They often know the resources very don't even have to use your name, just tell them you are looking for resources. Just a few other ideas for you.