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Griz1 said:First off, who's gettin pissy. and YOU said I was right about the porn and wrong about the rest of the stuff (check your english).
I asked: "Am I getting this right ladies??"
You answered: "Maybe about the porn, but not about the rest. LOL"
So you were effectively telling me everything else i said was bullshit, further, you never addressed it. Correct me on some details but don't tell me that the complete text of what I wrote is "bullshit" without support for it all.
I'm not the one getting pissy here. I made a generalization regarding age and learning to orgasm. By your statement you think that is wrong, well once again look up the word generalization cause you are one of the lucky few to whom that DOESN'T apply
Clearly, considering the fact that AS A GENERALIZATION, most women I've spoken to regarding the subject matter agree that it's a general rule with exceptions. I actually know a woman who's been orgasming since she was 12 on a regular basis but she hardly fits the generalization.)
Please read closer next time.
And once again, I stand corrected on the ejaculate thing...sheesh!
My bad then. I was only referring to the rest of the ejaculatory reference, because that was that was what you were asking for ladies input on ("correct me if I'm wrong" seems to be directly relating to your following statements, re: ejaculation - and not to the rest of your post) . One of my previous posts actually concurs with some of the rest of your post (ie: masturbation and getting comfortable with her own body).
25% seems, to me, to be statically significant and too large percentage to say that MOST women don't. That would be open to interpretation of 'most', though and since I made a C in statistics I'm probably not the authority there.
As for my english - I'm typing on a message board, not working on a grad paper. As long as the basic grammar is taken care of, I rarely quibble about the rest (such as run-on sentences in relplies).