Using workout that was constructed by built
Day 1: Horizontal push pull, calves, and abs
Rack pulls 5×5 (direct, hard, strength range)
Bent-over rows 3×8 (hypertrophy range)
(If you do a third, Hammer Rows 3×10-12)
Flat bench 5×5
Incline dumbbell press 3×8
(if you do a third, Incline cable flyes 3×10-12)
Calves: (soleus) 3×12-20 seated calf raises. Pause at the bottom
Abs: 3 sets of 8-12, weighted
Day 2: Quad dominant, hamstring accessory. Biceps.
Full squats 5×5
Leg press 3×8
Leg curls, pull throughs, or high foot placement leg press 3-4 sets of 12-20
Seated alternating bicep curls 5×5
Hammer curls 3×8-12
Day 3: Vertical push-pull, calves, abs
Chins 5×5
Hammer high rows 3×8
(if you do a third, Hammer Behind the Neck rows or lying pullovers 3×12)
Shoulders: (warm up with bent over side laterals, which work the often-neglected rear delts anyway – 3×10)
Arnold Press or Military Press 5×5
Standing side laterals 3×8
Calves: (gastrocs) standing or donkey calf raises, 3×8-10
Abs: 3 sets of 8-12, weighted
Day 4: Hamstring dominant, quad accessory. Triceps.
Romanian Deadlifts 5×5
Good mornings, Glute Ham Raises, or high foot placement leg press 3×8
seated leg extensions 3×12-20
Skull crushers and , Dips ( adding weight with a belt) 5×5
Cable pressdowns 3×8-10