N2Sleep is a great supplement if you have sleep problems. It is all natural, and there are no side effects. What I like that most about it, is that unlike most other sleep drugs, you will not have a sensation of having a hangover the next morning. Instead, you will wake up rested and refreshed. 2 caps an hour before going to sleep are enough for most people. If you see that this is not enough to get quite the desired results, you can gradually increase the dosage to 4 caps per day. For instance, if this is not enough, then take a third cap right before going to sleep. If you feel like needing more, then take 2 caps an hour before going to sleep, and another 2 caps right before going to sleep, making a total of 4 caps. If 4 caps of N2Sleep won't make you sleep all night like a baby, then nothing will.
Personally, I can vouch for the effectiveness of N2Sleep since for a long time my wife has been having some bad insomnia problems, and some nights she would not fall asleep at all. Then she started using N2Sleep, and the sleep patterns got back in order rather fast. N2Sleep has been a real savior for her sleep, so I have seen it in action.