I'm kind of a bitch about this issue (as I have major, major issues with men screwing around in female reproductive rights), but addressing strictly the abortion aspect, no, the guy doesn't need a say, and my reasoning is very basic: women still, even in the west, die in childbirth (although the numbers are very, very low). No man should be able to force a woman to go through pregnancy and delivery if she doesn't want to.
HOWEVER, I also agree with what Wulfgar is saying, if the guy doesn't want a kid, and the woman DOES, he should be able to "opt out" of the kid's life, sign some document that says, "sperm donor only." I don't think it's fair that there are bitches out there who coerce men into something they don't want.
Essentially, I don't think ANYBODY, male or female, should ever be saddled with an unwanted child. I think there wouldn't be quite so many "accidental" pregnancies if guys had an ironclad way to say, DIDN'T WANT IT, DON'T WANT IT, AIN'T PAYING FOR IT.