I need my sugar, thats what makes me Sweet .
I am blond all over, I shave all except a small patch because I like it there, it is blond so it is thin anyway.
Romo :I like your smile , it reminds me of me somtimes when I have had to much sugar,lol
I like hair on a man, hubby shaved it for me, I didn't like it. Trimed is nice but shaved big NO, armpits : I don't know I haven't seen any men with them shaved,so I don't know. Legs: I wouldn't wan't my guys legs to be softer than mine. Winter is comming have to grow hair on mine to keep them warm .LOL
Back hair: shaved . Chest hair: a little is fine but if my fingers get stuck, its got to go.
BBf, chill out. ok we know its a bodybuilding board , but we are still human. And we need to be loved just like everybody else does !!! And I love my candy, but if I only eat it once in a while its a treat. And I deserve it because I am so Sweet , and I work hard so I can have it, besides that , I don't like twinkies , I like Ho Ho's
Ok this is my opinion if you like it that is great!!!! I am just having fun and sharing my feelings and opinions , If you don't like what I had to say you may, pass over my posts or pm me, and we can talk about it. but I will no longer air my fights in public , I don't wan't to fight with anyone. sorry if my opinion is not the same as your, but opinions are like ass holes everybody has one . LOL