Show me that you have a pair by going ahead and gathering the proper paper work. I don't want to be liable for that permanent limp you're going to have as a result of a long and enjoyable heel hook. Oh wait, you don't know what a heel hook is, do you?
Again, this is what I need from you:
1. A respectful invitation from your instructor to compete against you at your school.
2. A damage and liability waiver from your instructor stating that I am not liable for any injuries that you may incur as a result of our match.
3. A first draft of the proposed rules that you wish to fight under.
The rules must be no more restrictive than typical MMA rules, but can be as brutal and street wise as you so deem necessary.
As soon as you gather these things, I will email you my fax number. All you will need to do then is just fax me all of the documents. Simple enough, right?
Have a nice day,
Jesse Grinstead
Inner Circle Shootfighting