you could never fire a tenured teacher in PA back in the day. . .even if the POS was a friggin' alcoholic, child molester, the union would still defend them and win. . .not any more. . .the times they are a'changin'. . .our local school districts are also giving performance-based bonuses (they call them something else. . .but that's what they are) to teachers whose students excel in state testing (there are some other criteria as well, but the state tests are a big one). . .our school districts are starting to look and act more business-like and professional, and everyone from the custodians to the superintendent, are being held up to a higher standard. . .i think things are improving rather than disintegrating.
I agree! When I went to school in the 80's some of those teachers should have not been
allowed to teach. The majority coundn't teach so they showed films every day!
Bush's "No child left behind act" I feel was revolutionary! Holding teachers accountable
for the their teaching performance. Instead of teaching "subjectively" their own opinion
whether a kid has the aptitude to move on or not. How many times have you heard
a teacher just pass a kid just to get rid of them because they are frustrated with that
student.It's just easier just to pass them then to be diligent in trying to make the student learn.
The No child left behind act makes teachers teach "objectively" by facts through test
scores which I feel is much needed especially in math and science where we are lagging
behind other countries. Math and science is where innovation comes from, and that's
what made this country the greatest country in the world our great ability to innovate.
The performance based bonuses I think are called "incentive pay". In other words
if a teacher's students excel in math, and science that teacher get's a bonus. It
motivates teachers to put the extra effort into teaching, and also weeds-out the
imposters who shoudn't be teaching.