10/28/02 (cont.)
Since I can only edit these every so often and ran out of time.
My Meals
Meal 1- 0730 - 1 Iso-pure no carb protein shake with 16oz of non fat milk and scope of L-Glutamine. 2 Xenadrine RFA-1, 2 Mega Men Multi Vitamin, 1 Biotin.
Meal 2 - 1130 - 1 Ham & Cheese Sandwich on Rye, 1 Banana, Quaker Chewy Granola, 20 oz H2O. 1 B-Complex, 2 Adipokinex, 2 Digest Pills, 1 Guggoplex.
Meal 3 - 1430 - 1 Cherry Vanilla Yogurt, Some Celery, Carrots, Snap Beans, Green Peppers, 1 Fruit Snack Pouch, 40 oz H2O.
2 Xenadrine EFX, 1 Guggoplex, 20 oz water & 5 gm of Creatine.
Meal 4 - 1900 - 1 Myoplex Deluxe French Vanilla Shake with 15 oz water.
The breakdown is as follows -
Calorie Count - Burned today: 2028, Eaten today: 1582.
Nutrition Breakdown - Carbs: 46.8%, Proteins: 43.2%, Fat: 10%
My Workout
Today was a good pump. I got in and out with my partner with the quickness.
Chin-ups - I use the weight assisted machine because I swing too much. It's mainly for guidance. I did with 22 lbs of assistance the following - 3 Sets - 15, 9, 6
Seated Rows - 140 x12, 160 x12, 170 x10 (I've done 200 when I have only done 6-8 reps each time.)
Behind Neck Lat Pull Downs - 130 x10, 140 x9, 150 x6 then 4 assisted. (My forearms were burning as hell during these)
Crunches - 5 sets of 25
Back Extensions - 70 x12, 130 x12, 180 x12
Good Mornings - 125 x10, 135 x10
Hanging Leg Raises - 3 sets of 10 (Helped stretch the back after the GM's).