Today was a first.
During my first couple attempts at my warmups for deads I couldn't pull 315x2 without sciatic pain running down my right ass cheek and into my leg.
Never happened before, and it was enough for me to cancel deadlifing - another first.
Seriously, WTF IS GOING ON?
Has my age finally caught up with me? First my c6-c7 fusion this summer and now this.
I have spent my whole weight training life doing everything I can to avoid injury. I have made sure my form was as perfect as my body would allow, eaten right, not over-trained, never went too heavy. I just don't fucking get it!
This summer when I was laid up with my neck my attitude nearly (in all seriousness) cost me a second divorce.
If I can't do in the gym what I have loved my whole long life, I seriously don't know what I am going to fucking do. I swear to god I will take a bullet before I get on an elliptical. I'm not fucking joking.
If I am slowly breaking down, and I can't throw big heavy shit around anymore, I will feel like total shit. I mean I knew (I guess) this day might come, but christ on a crutch, I may be old, but I'm not that old, and god dammit a lot of my pride has come from the fact that I am stronger than 99% of the guys 25 years younger than me.
I'm seriously pissed off.
Bro that kind of attitude doesn't help with your lady if that's how you are gonna act like in face of adversity you are only making things worst for you guys and remember only women have PMS not us...
If makes you feel better here's a 70 old pulling 420lbs
YouTube - 70 Year old Bob Vastine dead lifts 420!!!!