Sunday July 3:
Supp...5 mg/d
Gear: 3x/d
Legs: quads mostly
Cardio: treadmill/glider
Lunges on smith: ?wt 3 sets/20
Glute ad/abuctor: 40-60 3/20 of each
Seated Calves: 90 3/15-20
Leg press: 3 sets 270/20, 320/20, 360/20. First time at this weight!! And it was actually easy

Leg ext: I know Zed is gonna kill me... 3/60-70/15
You know it sista. STOP THIS RIGHT NOW!!! And you already know why. Do front squats instead. Just try it once and then tell me what you think.
Squats on standing squat machine: 3/240/20
Gurl, try doing your squats with a BBL. Also put them before your leg press. Then on your leg press do it as one continous motion. No stop at top or at bottom. Try it you will hate it!
Ab's: crunches on ball with 12lb wt 3/30
Seems like I'm missing something..but good enough for now
Holy shoot::: could not walk down the steps leading out of gym..quads WOW