No woman should have to go through an unwanted pregnancy.
No man should have to support a child he never wanted to father.
No child should be born unwanted, conceived as a source of reliable income for 18 years.
HOW THE FUCK does an issue like this get resolved?
Stone people who fornicate? Burn adulterers alive? Brand women who are found in the marriage bed to not be virgins? That's how other countries solved it.
Abolish abortion so women are less likely to screw, or at least to be more conscientious about birth control, yeah, like that worked in the 50s and 60s! It's a breeze to cross the border to Mexico, shit, they'll start selling home abortion kits on g'damn Ebay and I'll bet if you really try you'll still be able to get RU-485 over the internet from Tailand if you try.
Well, then there's the futurists concept of conception ... no babies are born that aren't conceived in a peitry dish in a lab after both parents are quite thoroughly tested for hereditary diseases, genetic flaws, and antigen compatibility ...
Actually the last one has some merit