I am 6'1" 203lbs meso with a wide frame and used to work out a lot (230lbs 10% BF). I had a hernia and now after the operation I want to get back in shape but not muscle bound like I was. I am happy with my muscular build but need to drop some fat. I have a desk job and lift 2-3 times a week and go to Gold's Bodypump 2 times a week. My diet is prob the most important though.
7AM ON Whey Protein and skim milk
8:30AM - 1 packet of Organic Oatmeal with flax
10:30AM - 1OZ of roasted almonds (raw ones give me heart burn)
NOON - Pepridge farm whole weat with lean meat, cheese and mustard. (or a chicken or tuna salad sandwich)..........Cottage cheese
3:30 - Kashi Lean bar
8:00PM - Protein shake while dinner is cooking
Salad w. EVOO/Vin. Grilled chicken or salmon, once a week a steak.
Brown rice/vegetarian Baked beans and veggies.
10:30 Glass of wine
11:30 cottage cheese/natty pb
I also like to cheat and buy one bag of Seal salt and vinegar chips to munch on during the week. Should that be cut completely??
I cant determine if I should add one more bowl of oatmeal in the AM at 10:00 and shift my Almonds to after lunch 3:30-4:30 area.
Do I need more fat?
7AM ON Whey Protein and skim milk
8:30AM - 1 packet of Organic Oatmeal with flax
10:30AM - 1OZ of roasted almonds (raw ones give me heart burn)
NOON - Pepridge farm whole weat with lean meat, cheese and mustard. (or a chicken or tuna salad sandwich)..........Cottage cheese
3:30 - Kashi Lean bar
8:00PM - Protein shake while dinner is cooking
Salad w. EVOO/Vin. Grilled chicken or salmon, once a week a steak.
Brown rice/vegetarian Baked beans and veggies.
10:30 Glass of wine
11:30 cottage cheese/natty pb
I also like to cheat and buy one bag of Seal salt and vinegar chips to munch on during the week. Should that be cut completely??
I cant determine if I should add one more bowl of oatmeal in the AM at 10:00 and shift my Almonds to after lunch 3:30-4:30 area.
Do I need more fat?