Iron Queen, I have always used (racemic) ALA for my carb-up precontest with good results. This carb loading of muscles without too much insulin induced sub-q water retention is very noticeable in this situation.....I would still suggest you try it a few weeks out just to make sure you don't have any strange reactions to it. I have not used it otherwise while contest dieting, but my contest diet seems to keep my natural insulin sensitivity very high. If I were doing a diet that decreased insulin sensitivity (eg CKD) then I would definitely include ALA during the carb-ups. Put another way, I haven't noticed any difference in blood glucose levels with or without r-ALA as long as my carb intake at each meal is under 50g and low fat. Of course I can't measure insulin, so I can't be sure. But as soon as I have a pig out (high carb and/or high fat), THEN r-ALA makes a noticeable difference (and I'm not even dieting right now). I predict insulin sensitivity is even higher on a submaintenance diet with lots of exercise.