DBCooper said:
Well for 1 B, you have a great woman there, and 2 I hurt my knee a long time ago to the point I could barely bend or walk on it for the first week, it healed and I am completely fine without any doctor's help-not saying don't see a doc just trying to show not all is bad all the time. Stay positive.
Thanks man...I got an email back from the doctor today from these pictures that I sent him...here is what he said:
The area you are pointing to is the pes ansurines (it means goose foot). That is where the semimembranosus and the semitendinosus (hamstrings) attach. I think the gracilis attaches there too. Anyway the pes bursa can become inflammed and painful. You may find that hamstring work or stretching is irritating. If it is pes it is no big deal. Ice and take Motrin for 10 days and it should be fine. Here are some things to consider:
ACL tear: loud pop accompanied by immediate swelling, usually the result of plant-pivot
MCL tear: less swelling, but severe pain on palpation of the medial joint line generally and usually the result of a plant-pivot or blow to the lateral leg
Meniscus tear: could be insidious, with a little swelling, accompanied specific medial or lateral joint line tenderness, may have incidents of knee locking or giving way
Muscle or Tendon rupture: lots of swelling and deformity, with immediate loss of strength and ability to contract muscle, with eventual loss of ROM
Does'nt sound like those, and based on your pictures and descriptions, pes is plausable. If it doesn't change in 10 days (after continued ice and Motrin). You might want to see a doc. Find a sport med/ ortho doc and use the fact that you are a professional strongman. They may give you professional courtesy (cut your bill.)
Keep me informed"
B True