Joe again you are just making assertions without providing any facts or theory behind them. Its like me saying "liquid food is better than solid food and thats just the way it is". The only argument you provided there was additives. The substances that are added to food replacement powders aren't necessarily unhealthy. Everything thats added to the product will (should anyway) be printed on the container so you can look it up yourself. Believing that something is bad just because its an additive is insane. I'm under the impression your not into science joe. There are scientific reasons behind why McDonalds food is unhealthy. McDonalds food != solid food replacements. When you buy a happy meal they don't print the ingredients on the back doesnt even come close to having the exact same nutritional value. it is much less. there is also a lot of bull shit added that is not good for you.
it should make a difference to you if chicken is real chicken because if its not than most of what you are eating is bad for your health. hence fast food resteraunts, tv dinners, lunch meats ect. eat that shit for a few months and go get a health checkup. then you will understand.
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