I’m a 47 Yr. old male. I ran across this group accidentally several months ago. I had been out of the gym over 15 Yrs. due to major health issues including Congestive Heart Failure, Pulminary Embolism(Blood Clots) Stroke,, All of that lead to a early retirement. I decided to get back in the gym January 2020 I was 315 ibs. After discouraged and not seing the progress I expected I explored back into gear. Most told me with my stats I was crazy , and shouldn’t even consider gear again. Back in my generation stats didn’t mean to much it just meant you busted your ass harder and put in overtime at the gym which is what I did. Im proud to say I’m back where I left off 15 yrs. ago with progress. I’d like to thank this group for the valuable information especially most of you that I inboxed personally(Because I don’t care for hundreds of opinions) I’d like to especially thank Greg from Domestic Supply.
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