Does she have any experience w/ either of those by themselves? If not, then don't stack them. She won't know how she reacts to either of them individually so anything she gets - good or sides, she won't know what is the source. Also there is always the chance one or the other is a fake or somethign else. Primo has a history of being faked, so it is always possible. Again if you don't know which one is the culprit, then you won't know which is safe, which works better, etc. That's just basic common sense. Its not a race to see how much AAS you can shove in your body so there's no reason to by-pass a common-sense, conservative approach.
Personally I would've run the var first. If she's is open to suggestions, I'd seriously discontinue the primo & go to the var - 10 mg ed, split the dose in 1/2 since the 1/2 life is about 9 hrs -- keeps the spikes to a minimum over the course of the day. Run that for at least 8 weeks & see how it works. Should start to notice it in about 1.5 -2 weeks. Keep the diet tight and watch for potential water bloat - this is not uncommon w/ var. Don't bother w/ the primo until a complete cycle is done w/ the var. Take some time off and then consider the primo later. I'm also going to make the obvious statement about if she's naturally thin & looking to gain muscle then make sure her diet is designed to support that goal - otherwise get off the drugs & pay attention to the diet first. And then lift like a mutherfucker.
Primo is much more androgenic, takes longer to show results and also longer to come out of your system if you don't like the sides. Don't run the two together. Primo can be particularly rough as far as voice changing (expect this), hair falling out (expect this) & acne/oily skin (expect this). I would absolutely keep it to 50 mg /week first. Since she has no history w/ any drugs it sounds like and isn't plannign this all for a very specific date (e.g. competition) then there's no reason to be crazy aggressive w/ stuff she doens't know anything about or know very specifically how her body chemistry works with it. The idea is low & slow. If 50 mg gives sufficient results & manageable sides, stay w/ that. It takes at least 3-5 weeks to experience any results w/ primo so pay attention to the results & sides and stay at that level. If you don't like the sides, it will take at least 2-3 weeks for them to stop so that's why its important to not be cavalier about taking primo.
No one can guarantee any particular results or sides - that will be completely dependent on her body chemistry / interaction w/ the drugs. The clit growth, etc is all generally related to the presence of DHT in all of those AAS - generally unless you are dealing w/ long-term use, cumulative use or abuse, then it usually passes when the chemical finds its way out of your body. As I said - know the 1/2 life of whatever you are putting in your system so you are well aware of how long it will take to clear it out if you don't like the sides.
I assume she will also not be drinking or anything else that would overstress her body while putting this stuff in her system right?