Week 8 -- THURSDAY
This has been the craziest week of my life. On tuesday morning I woke up an NIU student w/ a job, and by the next day I was a student at a different school and unemployed. I won't bore you all w/ the details but needless to say I've been a bit frazzled. Thankfully I got a long-term job today and I have almost the exact same classes at a community college that I had at University, but I can pay out of pocket for 'em. In the long run I think I'm in a better situation. Anywho........
I've decided to space my workouts further apart. I feel like I'm at the cusp of overreaching and I've got about 2.5 weeks worth of pins left. I don't think I should deload entirely at this point - I think stretching things out will give me a couple more solid shots at hitting PRs and will allow me to recover from overreaching while I still have some 'help' in my system. Then on to WSB. So thurs. was a quasi-deload session. Sort of. Whatever
Deadlift 3x3 warmup to 415
-The form tweaks continue. I tried to think of 'squatting the bar off the floor' and it seemed to help. My hips were lower than normal and I could feel my glutes/quads much more than usual. I also made a concerted effort to pull lots of air into my belly for each rep (taking my time to breathe and reset EVERYTHING as though each rep was the first rep) and my back felt/feels better than usual.
Push press warmups to 225 for two triples (PR)
-My snap was back today. It seems a poor benching performance is followed by a good push press session and vice versa. The last rep of each triple was brutal - first set my core didn't want to hold, second set I stayed tight but fought like a MOFO to get full lockout.
Pullups BWx6x3
-Deload emphasis (this was three sets of six reps for those of you who don't follow my screwball style of exercise documentation
CGBP warmup to 315x5x2(PR)
-Very last rep was a grinder.
Standing DB curls 60'sx6, x5
CoC #1 3 sets of 5 closes/hand
-My left hand STILL can't quite close all of 'em yet. VERY close, but not quite touching.
So here's what the next couple weeks will look like:
Squat 1x5
Bench 5x5
Row 5x5
Dead (sets/reps TBD)
Push press (pobably work up to two triples again)
Pullups (same)
and probably arm stuff
Squat 5x5
Bench 1x5
Row 1x5
Th (or maybe weds)
Push press
I'll finish up the gear while deloading, then transition to WSB. I may not do the last workout heavy - it'll depend on how fatigued I feel. But I'd like to hit deads again while on, even though they really haven't gone up at all thanks to all the 'relearning' I'm doing. Fucking deadlift is my white whale ( <---Moby Dick reference). Hopefully I'm on the right track this time. Plus I'm really optimistic that WSB and speed work are gonna be a godsend. We'll see...