Did some singles today. Pretty happy with 'em
Deads warmups (light RDLs), 235x5, 285x3, 325x2, 375x1, 415x1, 435x1, 465x1(PR), 485xfail
-Pretty happy, mostly b/c I had a minor breakthrough in my approach. Instead of my usual neurotic, think-about-every-facet-of-the-lift-before-starting approach, I just sucked a bunch of air into my gut and pulled that bitch as fast as possible. The only thing I treid to be concious of was maintaining my arch. The rest I just kinda let happen. 465 was a grind but it did go up fairly quickly. Maybe I shoulda just tried 475 afterward. So hopefully this new 'technique' will lead to more improvements. Juice or no, there's still room here - I'm sure of it. I think speed work is gonna pay off as I usually seem to 'squeeze' the weight off the floor rather than rip it like my life depended on it.
Push press warmups, 135x5, 155x3, 175x2, 195x2, 225x1, 235x1, 245x1, 265x1, 275xfail EDIT: 235 on on were PR's
-This surprised me quite a bit (in a good way). I may have gotten 275 had I thought it was realistic earlier in the progression. All these were locked out and held for at least a two-count, so no 'pop and drops'
. I got 275 to about my nose and it just wouldn't go any higher. I cramped up my quads pretty hard on 265 and the failed rep.
Pullups BWx6x3
CGBP 225x8, 275x5, 315x6+forced rep
-Just wanted to rep out w/ 315. Definitely coulda done more if I hadn't maxed on push press earlier.
So now it's on to WSB. I'm going to hit my ME and DE movements pretty hard but keep the accessory work low through PCT (I still have gear for the rest of this week and next) which is in keeping with madcow's advice to keep intensity high but lower volume/workload overall. I'm pretty happy with the juicing overall despite the fact that I had to fix my squat and dead mid-cycle. Honestly, I think I'll end up moving both lifts up even while nattty due to technique improvemets and WSB speed work. I'm not counting on bench taking huge jumps natty seeing as it went nuts during this run, and that's fine by me.