New member
After deciding to return to college (which was a monumental decision given my past - basically dropped out two years ago as a raging alcoholic) I scrambled like mad to get accepted, get financing, choose a major, etc. all in the course of about two months. I'm also about to be sentenced in my second DUI case. Since I thought I was going to be without a license for several years (facing revokation if convicted) I figured I could have a decent life at school where a car is nice but not mandatory.What happened, if you don't mind me asking that is.
So last week in court I find out that they're not even going to charge me w/ DUI - I didn't blow and got a good (and expensive ) lawyer. So no revokation. By this time I was about to start school so I went about it as planned. I went the first day (BTW it was awesome to be a little older than everyone [I'm 25] - definitely got more appreciative glances from girls in class than before). When I get home there's a message on my answering machine from my employer saying that my assignment had ended. I was doing a temp job that was supposed to last til late feb, which was perfect b/c that's when my loans were supposed to kick in.
So with no job and no loans I had no way to go to school. But I got an interview with another company right away. It went well, so I decided to see about going to the local community college. They had exact equivalents of almost all the classes I was taking at University, so I signed up in hopes that I'd get the job I interviewd for. I got the job today so I'm employed full time again (with more money and full benefits eventually) and taking classes online (which are no joke BTW - TONS more reading than lecture classes).
This all happened Tues. and Weds., except for court which happened last week.
I've been sober for 14 months (yes my case is dragging along SLOWLY) and am an apprentice leader of an AA group, so don't get too mad at the justice system for letting me off