Front squat 5x5 warmups, 225
-So I lightened up a lot and went deep as I possibly could - I think my ass literally touched my ankles. It was pretty tough - coulda done more weight but I'll be patient and get 'em right. Besides, these aren't a huge priority for me. For now my posterior chain is my limiter.
Push press warmups, 155x4, 175x4x2, 195x4, 205x4, 225x2
-Dammit. This and the last push-press session have kinda sucked. Not snappy like at first. When I got 195x5 two weeks ago the bar rocketed up and locked out solid, but today even the lower weights on the way up just felt sluggish. Maybe making leaps and bounds on bench is costing me OHP poundage, which would suck b/c I'd rather be throwing up two wheels on OHP than three wheels on bench.
Deadlift 5x5 warmups, 375
-OK I took my own advice and stepped down the intensity a bit to get my form right. Basically, every set felt different. I'm happy to report that I was engaging my hamstrings to a much greater extent than previously (thanks Majutsu for the "falling back" tip
) So hopefully I'll be stronger with my better habits next week. I may only bump it up ten pounds - it'll depend on how I feel during the warmups.
Pullups 6x5 BW
RDL barx8, 95x8, 135 for lots of sets just to feel it out with some resistance, 185x5x2, 225x5x2
-Basically just doing these to improve hamstring flexibilty and to get a feel for how hams should pull during conventional deads. Also, when I start Westside I'd like these to be comfy for me so I can do 'em heavy from the start. I feel like I've drilled in some bad habits on squats/deads by allowing myslef to work 'around' my hams rather than 'with' them. These were quite light actually (which was a surprise) and I noticed that I could get lower with just about each successive set.
CGBP 225x8, 275x8, 295x5, 315x5(PR)
-Pretty happy with this one. I may have been able to get a sixth, but I wanna shoot for 315 for 5x5 on Friday, so I figured why push it?
Standing DB curls 60'sx7, x5
All in all a good day. It would have been great if I had waited til I learned to deadlift correctly (or at least better than I was) before the cycle, but I won't let it bother me. Maybe I'll be able to keep putting weight on the bar once the gear is done. That'd help avoid any potential let-down from coming off.