New member
Becoming said:CCJ-
Thanks, I will take a look on my HD of articles for it...
Have you ever read the book Explosive Power & Strength: Complex Training for Maximum Results by Don Chu? Wondering if it was any good or not. I have the plyo one, was a good intro, but I thought it was also kind of nebulous, wondering about this one....
I have the book - not worth getting, you get an intro and then 90% of it just exercise diagrams!!!!

ALl you need to know about complexing is this - by Yuri Verkhoshansky
Being a professional track & field coach in sprint and jumping (fiftieth -
sixtieth) I used weightlifting for development of explosive strength,
starting strength and reactive ability of the neuromuscular apparatus of the
sportsmen. The main task of this exercises was creating a strong training
influence on the CNS for the generalization of more power stream of the
nervous impulses on the motoneurons and synchronization them at the
moment of the muscle effort beginning.
My practical experience as a coach and results of the many years scientific
work have been published in some monographs in Russia and translated in
other countries ("Basis of the strength training" - 1970 and 1977;
"Programming of sport training" - 1987; "Basis of physical
preparation in the sport" - 1988). Principles of the special strength
training were formulated in this monographs including so-called
"supermethods" that are intended for top class athletes. One of them was
named as a "Stimulation method".
The idea of this method consist in the usage of the hyperexcitability of the
CNS crated by short-term power muscular strains, for rise of the vigor of
the subsequent specific work, aimed at the development of explosive
strength and reactive ability of the neuromuscular apparatus.
The stimulation method thus includes two successive muscle activities. The
first (tonic) is carried out slowly with major resistance and restricted
amount of repetition. The second activity (developing) is conducted with
extremely concentrated explosive effort with smaller weight of resistance
(30-40 % from the maximum) and considerably higher (optimum) amount of
repetitions. The activity with essentially increased power by tonic
influence at the CNS arises during the first (tonic) activity, exerts the
main training influence on the organism in the stimulation method.
The stimulation method has confirmed its extreme effectiveness for the
development of explosive strength and reactive ability of the neuromuscular
apparatus of sportsmen. Its value consists providing a fast and steady
accretion of this parameters at a small time expenditure and energy of
For example, squat with the barbell on the shoulders (90% from maximum) used
in for tonic work. Two approach (sets) of 2-3 reps with the rest 3-4 minutes
are conducted. Then after rest 4-6 minutes follows the second (developing)
exercise - jumps up with the barbell on the shoulders (30% from maximum).
Three sets of 6-8 reps with maximum effort and with the rest between the
sets 3-4 minutes are carried out. This series are repeated for 2-3 times
with rest 8-10 minutes.
When the stimulation method is used, it is necessary to mean the following.
1. The form of the first (tonic) exercise movement has no principal value.
However, it is important, that those muscles groups which necessary for
training are activated and that they work with a major effort. As to the
second (developing) exercise, its motor structure should approximate
competitive exercise as much as possible and be conducted with extreme
2. Between the sets it is necessary to executes exercises on flexibility,
relaxation and stretching of muscles, and between series - work of moderate
intensity by the same muscle groups (for example, light jumping exercises on
relaxation and flexibility. The first (tonic) and especially second
(developing) exercises should be fulfilled with maximal effort.
3. During training it is necessary to rise gradually the force of the
stimulation influence of tonic work, not at expense of the augmentation of
its volume but of the weight of load. As to the second (developing)
exercise, it is not necessary to change the total amount of work (number of
repetitions, approaches, espies), the weight of load or intervals of rest
between the approaches and series.
4. The stimulation method should not be utilized at the end of the training
session or in fatigued state. The stimulation method should not de used in
addition to any other training activity. The method can be effective only in
case of the so-called «fresh» forces.
5. The stimulation method can expediently be utilized as a separate training
session with the duration of from 40 minutes to one hour and it should be
the first within the day (in case there are two tracings per day). The
interval between the following training session should not be less than four
I beg your pardon for my poor English.
Yuri Verkhoshansky