New member
4 days ago I developed a pain in my esophagus which occured 2-3 seconds after swallowing around my right pec area (opposite side that hearts on). Over the past few days the pain has got worse each day, and today I also have pain to the right of my armpit on my back at the same time, when I take a bite to eat or have a drink. I don't think something is caught in my esophagus, however I have been taking a lot of shit over the past few months, especially supps in pill form so I guess is could be possible. The only thing that I could think that cause this was 5 days ago I took an aleeve with water but did not eat, and the entire day my throat burned, but then it went away the next day, and a day later this pain started in my chest. I have been taking the follow supps and medicines. I am not sure if any of these could have caused this: daily I take 4mg Melatonin, 30mg zinc, 400mg magnesium, 300mg saw palmetto, 1000 mg milk thistle, 8g fish oil caps, 300-900mg ala, 300mg biotin, 1000mg Vitamin C, 1 multi vitamin, 1 acidophilus, sometime 1-2g L-Arginine, 10g creatine, and 20g glutamine. Also I have been taking Spectracef antibiotics for a month. I don't know if anyone else has experience this, but I thought I would make a post and see if someone has had a similar problem? I have been prescribed some shit for ulcers, although I don't even know if thas what I have. I am gonna have an exray soon, but I am scarred that maybe all these supps have really fucked me up big time.