HS Lifter
New member
Flat bench 5x5
Incline db press 2x8
Pec dec 2x8
Lateral raises 3x8
Bent over lateral raises 3x8
Machine lateral raises 3x8
Yes, Im experimenting with all
laterals for shoulders.
Tuesday- Legs
5x5 squats
2x8 ectensions
2x8 curls
4x18,16,14,12 Calf raises
Wed -Back and traps
Pull ups 4 sets till failure(Very weak on this movement)
Deadlifts 5x5
T-bar rows 3x8
One arm bent over rows 3x8
My back is shitty, experiemnting
with volume.
Traps- Shrugs
Thursday off
BB curls followed by Close Grip BB Superset 3x8,6,4
Db curls followed by Tricep Pushdowns Superset 3x8,6,4
Preacher Curls 3x8
Tricpes extensions 3x8
Thats about it. Starting next monday, after a 4 week lay off.Going to supplementing with swole.
Im 5'7 180 right now. Im hoping with swole and massive amounts of food, and this program I can hit 190 by december 1st.
Flat bench 5x5
Incline db press 2x8
Pec dec 2x8
Lateral raises 3x8
Bent over lateral raises 3x8
Machine lateral raises 3x8
Yes, Im experimenting with all
laterals for shoulders.
Tuesday- Legs
5x5 squats
2x8 ectensions
2x8 curls
4x18,16,14,12 Calf raises
Wed -Back and traps
Pull ups 4 sets till failure(Very weak on this movement)
Deadlifts 5x5
T-bar rows 3x8
One arm bent over rows 3x8
My back is shitty, experiemnting
with volume.
Traps- Shrugs
Thursday off
BB curls followed by Close Grip BB Superset 3x8,6,4
Db curls followed by Tricep Pushdowns Superset 3x8,6,4
Preacher Curls 3x8
Tricpes extensions 3x8
Thats about it. Starting next monday, after a 4 week lay off.Going to supplementing with swole.
Im 5'7 180 right now. Im hoping with swole and massive amounts of food, and this program I can hit 190 by december 1st.
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