About 3 weeks ago I started noticing that my left nipple was sensitive and there was some tissue developing underneath it. Clear sign of gyno. About 3 months ago I started a msten and halcor cycle finished it with a OTC ptc and nolvadex and clomid. I assume I tapered off incorrectly because I was hit with the rebound a month after I had finished my Ptc. I waited about 2 weeks hoping it would resolve itself and decided to take action. I bought some raloxifene from ar-r and PCT monster (it contains .25 mg of atd) from a vendor at the mall. I've been dosing raloxifene @ 100mg ED and 50mg of atd ed since a week ago. There have been no changes infact my left nipple seems more tender and somewhat harder although my right nipple seems to be getting softer. I just bought two bottles of formeron. How should I properly add this to my stack and how should I dose. How long before I have to try a different tatic? Or am I simply not giving it enough time? Please shed some light on my situation. Thank you!