I am not 100% familiar with body for life, here is what worked for me and subsequently what i woould recomend for you.
Start of with a CKD -this is will you will consume from zero to 30 carbs 6 days a week ( the bulk of the calories will be from fat) - and on the 7th day you switch and eat carbs almost exclusivley.I recomend the CKD diet for one reason it broke the cycle for me-- I saw results quickly and with every week it became mentally easier to diet. gradually i re introduced my self to a moderated amount of carbs-- while also cutting a bit of the fat and uping the protein.
the format is like this: 3 months on ckd-0-30 carbs, 1 month moderate carbs- about 50 a day low GI ONLY, no hi gi (sugars), and two months of "normal carb intake" no higher than 150 a day. At month 7 it begins all over agian.
During your keto or low carb stage keep your cardio daily and weight train three times a week. when on a keto diet I do relativly Minimal workouts maybe 2 exercises 3 sets and i focus on one specific muscle group (dont ignore large muscle groups like legs and back, refining these areas will aid your weight loss due to the fact that muscle will require more caloric energy to miantain function.)
As i increase the amount of carbs i also increase the intesity of the workouts.
I would recomend holding off on the ECA for at least 1 month, by that time you should at least be getting used to your routine.