The heels definitely make posing interesting - especially the back double biceps with a spiked calf - nothing like balancing on one 6 inch heel while maintaining a pose.
The best part about the heels is they make your legs look awesome; worst part is it's kind of silly to be posing in heels. At least it's not lingerie.
Seriously, it makes you stand out and the judges take notice. I'm definitely not blending in with the rest of the crowd. Plus, the 6 inch heels have a 2 inch platform in the front, so it's really only 4 inches of heel...if that makes sense.
God damn, you are the most negative person to ever grace the woman's board. Why is it a photoshop job??????? Because her legs are tan and smooth, no that's called a fucking tan and a camera with a flash.
Are all school photos photoshop jobs? FLASHES bleach out imperfections, I'm sure every woman has a freckle or scrape or blemish here and there.
But yeah you are probably right. She's probably a housewife in France and wasn't even in NJ. She probably built the body by assembling various parts, added some chest muscle and whipped out the cosmo hair studio and picked the hair.
Why don't you go pick on "fake Christy" in the photos of members board.
I'll choose to take Aurelius's comment as a compliment; although, if I wanted to hack together a body, I'd have given myself bigger biceps and leaner legs.