You be the judge, its kinda low volume in some areas and quite intense but definitely not heavy duty.
I workout 3 times a week, alternating between upper and lower body workouts
Basicly I now have 3 rep schemes to use -
Explosive - push hard against the weight on the concentric phase - compensatory accleration - but slowing near the end to avoid hyper-extending the joint. Then controlling the eccentric phase in a 4 sec lowering
Normal - control the concentric in a 2 sec lift and lower it in 4 secs.
Slow - 5 secs up and 5 secs down.
Lower body
Jump hang snatch
2xlightbar warmup - 6 reps
3xOlympic BAR+ Weights - 6 reps
(2 vertical jumps before each set) explosively, you actually jump into the air here
2 standing long jumps and then Back squat 1x6 straight after - explosive - not to failure
Front squat 1x6 medium - not to failure
Deadlift 1x8 medium, not to failure
reverse lunge 1x8 for each leg medium, not to failure
leg curl 1x8-10 explosive, to near failure
calf raise
1x8 explosive
1x8 slow - hold the top position for 2-3 sec count
toe raise 1x15 warmup with no weight
1x10 on a Smith machine with weights. This exercise build the shin muscles to balance out the calf strength and helps stop shin splints.
Upper body
Jump hang snatch
2xlightbar warmup - 6 reps
3xOlympic BAR+ Weights - 6 reps
(2 vertical jumps before each set) explosively, you actually jump into the air here
The rest of these have one set 1x8 explosive to failure
and then one super slow set of 6 reps
at 5 seconds up and down to near failure
Incline Dumbell BenchPress with palms facing inwards
Incline Flyes
single arm Dumbell Rows on a bench
Chins - shoulder width grip pull to the front
Single arm Dumbell Shoulder Press - kinda angled like a side press
Lying side laterals on a bench
Dumbell curl
Incline Curl
Single arm tricep extension - good for shooting strength. Similar motion to a jump shot
V Bar Tricep Pressdowns
Lying L-Laterals on a bench for external cuffs
Abs - I do crunches on a swiss ball with weights for my upper abs. 2 sets with weights
Reverse crunches on a bench 2 sets
And then I lie on the ground and put my hands under the natural cuvre of my lower back and flatten my back into the my hands - this works the lower abs and surrounding muscles.
2 sets