i was out for a while with a hurt back and just started working out again, i'm wearing gloves and for some reason my wrist hurts after i finish a set of bench,,,,,anyone know why
i also never had this before ....
That tends to happen if your wrists are not locked out properly when you bench, if you let them bend at all it puts a lot of stress on the tendons. I find if you stretch them really well before you train, and keep them locked, the pain will go away.
your hand should be flex and not the weight just resting in them. if your hand and forearm are in a perpindicular shape then you are resting the bar too much on your hand and this wwill cause all sorts of problems.
I have a buddy that said his wrists hurt when doing bench also. I watched him do them, and like needsize said, his wrists were bent a lot. I had him try changing to a suicide grip and after getting use to it, he said it was no longer a problem. Something to try anyway
I had the same problem a few years back. What worked for me was wrist curls with lightweight on arm days. I also started doing dumbbell bench press instead of using a barbell until I strengthened the tendons. No problems with wrists since.