At first I thought it was a plateau, so I simply switched my routine up. I've been lifting without a partner for about 6 months now, but have kept the same intensity. However, my chest strength is stagnant, and my flat bench is going down. I'm now at around 225x9, whereas before, I was at 255x8, as short as 3 months ago. I can't touch 255x3 now. I had a brief shoulder injury, but it's completely healed now.
During this time, my shoulder presses are doing well. I'm pressing dbells of 90x8, off of my 100x5 max. My barbell shoulder press is at a stagnant 155x5, whereas before I was at 185x5-8.
During this time, I've gone through an explosion with my legs, adding another 40lbs on my max squat.
So...I think my training methods, at least to myself, appear to be fine. My diet is really good right now, and I'm getting plenty of sleep - though I got a job at a nightclub which will throw one night a week completely out the door. I don't drink, I don't party much....I just don't get it.
My question is, what's up? I've gone back to my original chest workouts now, and it doesn't seem to be helping. Any suggestions? Is it possible that I just can't bench anymore?
5'5" 176 13% Training 5 of 7 days for the last 2 years, sporadically the previous 4 years.
Day 1: Chest
Day 2: Back/Tri
Day 3: Off
Day 4: Legs
Day 5: Shoulder/Bi
Day 6: Off
I usaully add abs whenever I have the time. I've been snowboarding about every week through winter. I was taking in around 3000 calories, now I'm bulking again, so I'm around 3500.
During this time, my shoulder presses are doing well. I'm pressing dbells of 90x8, off of my 100x5 max. My barbell shoulder press is at a stagnant 155x5, whereas before I was at 185x5-8.
During this time, I've gone through an explosion with my legs, adding another 40lbs on my max squat.
So...I think my training methods, at least to myself, appear to be fine. My diet is really good right now, and I'm getting plenty of sleep - though I got a job at a nightclub which will throw one night a week completely out the door. I don't drink, I don't party much....I just don't get it.
My question is, what's up? I've gone back to my original chest workouts now, and it doesn't seem to be helping. Any suggestions? Is it possible that I just can't bench anymore?
5'5" 176 13% Training 5 of 7 days for the last 2 years, sporadically the previous 4 years.
Day 1: Chest
Day 2: Back/Tri
Day 3: Off
Day 4: Legs
Day 5: Shoulder/Bi
Day 6: Off
I usaully add abs whenever I have the time. I've been snowboarding about every week through winter. I was taking in around 3000 calories, now I'm bulking again, so I'm around 3500.