nycgirl said:March 31, 2005
Good morning everyone!
4:45am - 1/4 cup of oatmeal w/ 2 egg whites
5:30am - Workout: Weights & Cardio
Bench Press - 5x5: 20lbs added on
(This was difficult; had to stop after 3 rep of 4th & 5th set to rest and than get the final 2 reps done; Did all of the sets & reps - will go up 5lbs, however, will not be shocked if I have to drop the weight.)
Barbell Rows - 5x5: 20lbs added on (3 sets palms up/2 sets palms down)
(Not hard at all; will increase weight 5lbs)
Deadlifts - 1x20: 30lbs added on
(Easier than the set on Tues.; will increase weight 5lbs next week)
Standing Calf Raises (machine) - 2x20: 80lbs
Hammer Strength Ab Curl Machine - 2x20: 30lbs
Light Cardio (Arc Trainer) - 20 minutes
6:50 - 1 ALA
7:15 - 2 scoops of PP and 2T of oats mixed w/ water
9:15 - 1 cup of sweet potato, 1/3 cup of string beans and 2T of chicken (I wanted this meal to be more carb dense; will definitely get the required amount of protein by the end of the day)
12:10 - 1/2 cup of chick peas w/ 1/2 cup of canned red salmon and 2 mugs of green tea
Totals - TBA
Water: Started 3rd liter (does not include tea)
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