New member
Day 1
- DB Incline Flyes (12kg)
- DB Incline Chest Press (12kg)
- DB Chest Press (22kg)
- Chest Dips
The incline press and chest are done together in the same set, 3 x 8+8. Is this recommended or shall i go for a higher weight but do them seperate?
Day 2
- Lat Pulldowns (55kg)
- Seated Cable Row (60kg)
- BB Bicep Curl (10kg)
- DB Hammer Curls (8kg)
- DB Preacher Curls (8kg)
Day 3
- DB Front Raise (6kg)
- DB Side Raise (6kg)
- DB Shoulder Raise (22kg)
- DB Shrugs (30kg)
Day 4
- Lying Leg Curl (25kg)
- Seated Leg Extension (30kg)
- DB Lunges (5kg)
This has been my training plan for the last eight weeks. Everything here is done as 3 sets of 8 except the incline chest as described. Is it necessary to change the plan or carry on with the above?
Is training supposed to be kept under 45 minutes per session or is this a myth?
Can I split day 2 and 4 up, then mix them together. This would mean day 2 would be back and legs, then day 4 would be arms and legs. Is this recommended?
did you just disregard everything everyone posted? please reread through this thread and then ask questions.